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How to Accelerate Computer Training

People learn how to use computers and software applications at different rates. To accelerate computer training, create a stress-free environment. Break students up into various levels of expertise so that they can progress at the same pace. Always provide written guidance for those who need it.

  • Divide learners up by skill level. More experienced computer users can be grouped together to allow them to move at a faster pace. Beginning learners will need time to ask questions and grasp new information. Being grouped with more advanced learners can actually slow progress for a beginning group due to fears of asking questions.

  • Provide supplemental training materials. Accelerate computer learning by equipping learners with written guides. This allows them to study after class hours.

  • Use visual tools. Project images of relevant computer screens on a wall so that learners can follow along as you speak and guide them. Include screen shots in all technical manuals.

  • Hold one-on-one training sessions. Some learners will need the individualized attention to properly navigate software or utilize data management systems.

  • Tell stories. Find ways to couch technical material within a relevant story. For example, teaching people not to turn off the computer without first saving work can be compared to managing relationships. Walking out on a romantic partner without resolving an argument might mean that he or she won't be there for you or happy to see you when you return.

  • Ease anxiety for new learners. Keep the learning environment relaxed so that learners feel comfortable to ask questions, try new things and make mistakes.