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How Safe is LASIK?

One of the major concerns most people have when contemplating LASIK is whether it is a safe procedure. As with most types of surgery there are always enough stories about negative results to give you a healthy amount of fear. It is important however, to discern fact from fiction when it comes to having your eyes treated.

LASIK surgery has a low probability of complications that could cause a loss of vision. No matter how small the risk, however, you'll want to set up an appointment for an evaluation by a qualified LASIK surgeon. The doctor and his staff will conduct various test to ensure that you are a likely candidate and he will discuss any potential risks to your vision at that time.

During the actual procedure the surgeon will create a flap on the cornea. While there is no risk in the actual cutting of the flap, some people may experience a feeling of pressure on the eye. Upon occasion this flap might be nudged after surgery and can cause a decrease in the quality of one's vision.

There are additional risks that can occur after LASIK surgery that can affect your vision, but are not necessarily unsafe. Glare, double vision, star bursts around lights and even infections. It is important to follow up with the surgeon to receive the proper care and reduce any complications that might arise if an infection is left untreated