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How Much Does a Wedding Planner Cost?

A wedding is a significant milestone in your life. Whether you want a small, intimate wedding or a big extravagant affair, you will want everything to be perfect. Sometimes, to get everything just right and be sure the details are covered, you can hire a wedding planner to help. Find out how much a wedding planner generally costs.

What does a wedding planner do?

A wedding planner takes care of nearly every aspect of the wedding, from checking if your groom has written his vows to arranging the paper work for a wedding abroad. If you need help with organization, or if you just want someone who has connections to the venue you want, you can hire a wedding planner to handle the details while you prepare for a long, happy marriage; starting with the perfect wedding.

What credentials does a wedding planner need to have?

Professional wedding planners should have some experience in event planning.  You can find a decent wedding planner by asking around for references. Even a party planner who specializes in big to-do’s can be of great help when you are looking at all the decisions that come with planning your wedding day. You should check to see that your wedding planner has been trained and certified. Many vocational schools offer training in event planning and organization. Some degrees that emphasize the organizational and creative skills of a wedding planner can be a plus. You also want to know that your planner knows where to find all the supplies you will need, and how to get all the documents in order if that is what you need.

How much does a wedding planner charge?

Generally wedding planners charge a percentage of the total wedding cost. This can be anywhere from 5 to 10-percent. These prices can be pretty high, considering how much money modern weddings can add up to. Anywhere from $2,000 to $2 million can be spent on the wedding planner alone. Sometimes you can acquire a wedding planner for a flat fee or an hourly rate. These fees usually come to an average total of about $1,500 to $5,000, depending on the services you will require.

A wedding planner can be pivotal for your event; when you decide to do something unique, like a wedding abroad, you may need extra services. Sometimes the wedding planner can prepare the documents you need to get into a foreign country, or even help with your vows and ceremony verses. It may be pricey, but the perfect wedding day is often priceless.