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Home Security Options

Thanks to modern technology, when it comes to protecting your home, property and life, there are a variety of home security options available. While no option offers a 100 percent guarantee of success, a combination of home security techniques may make your home unattractive to intruders.


When it comes to deterring potential intruders, a variety of home security options are available to residents. These include high tech options such as security monitors and alarm systems. Even the mere presence of cameras can be enough to scare off burglars and stalkers. Signs that advertise the use of security alarms may also be enough to deter someone from prowling around or intruding into a home. 

There are also low-tech options that include putting bars on doors. Equally common is the option of having dogs at home that bark whenever an unfamiliar person gets too close to the property. Other low-tech deterrents include trimming or removing shrubs from windows and motion activated lights, all of which make it difficult for an intruder to avoid being spotted.



Home security includes protecting a home or its occupants from the dangers of a fire. Fire alarms and smoke detectors are common options that homeowners and tenants can choose from. Fire extinguishers can be used to put out fires if they happen. It is important to know which type of fire extinguisher to use as well. ABC class extinguishers are good for most types of fires, but kitchen fires often involve grease, which requires a class K extinguisher. Home alarm systems may also help by triggering calls to the fire department in the event of a fire.


Intrusion Alerts

In the event of a break-in, alarm systems are a necessary home security option. Many modern alarms are monitored off-site by companies who can call the police automatically in response to a break-in.

Battery-powered security cameras, especially hidden ones, also serve as an alert system. Burglars who disable security systems might miss a hidden battery-powered camera and find their faces unexpected shown on the news or wanted posters.



In the event of a break-in where an intruder actually confronts the residents, self-defense may be the only practical home security option left. This includes a wide variety of choices, from a baseball bat or a golf club to mace, or even a gun. Non-lethal options such as taser guns may also be available, depending on the state or county in question. Many such options require prior training, licensing and registration with the local, state or Federal government. In some cases use of these defense options may also result in a lawsuit from the intruder or their family.