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History of Labor and Employment Law

The industrial revolution forever altered the structure of societies throughout the world. A major change that this revolution brought was the shift of employment options from agriculture to industrial operations. This change resulted in the development of large companies that employed 1000's of people. To address abuses in the workplace, unions and government agencies began to lobby for the rights of workers.  


Emergence of Unions

As workers were increasingly concentrated in factories, unions emerged to represent the interest of workers to management. Originally, unions were met with hostility by the owners of the factories. However, unions gradually started to gain political clout. As politicians started to realize the potential votes that unions could generate, laws started to emerge protecting workers from abuse and dangerous working conditions.

Goal of Labor Laws

Labor laws are designed to protect workers from abusive working conditions. However, labor laws have also been highly controversial throughout the years. While labor laws succeeded in ending child labor in the country, they also address issues that are not as universally agreed upon. For example, labor laws protect the right of unions. The role of unions has been a highly controversial issue over the last 50 years.

Much of the debate that surrounds labor laws revolves around the impact that these laws have on the economy. Regardless of political stance, labor laws have the goal of protecting the rights of workers while minimizing any economic disruptions that are caused from such laws.

The future of Labor Laws

Unions have been in a state of decline over recent decades. The principle cause for this decline is the deterioration of the manufacturing base in the United States. Without manufacturing jobs, unions struggle to meet membership quotas. As unions weakened, labor laws have become more business friendly. The future of labor laws will revolve around the ability of unions to adjust to the new economic landscape.