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Dangers of Dental X-Rays

When you visit the dentist for the first time and usually every year during your dental exam, the dentist wants to take dental x-rays of your teeth.  These x-rays can show any problems or potential problems under the gums and in the jawbone.  X-rays allow a dentist to locate, assess and repair dental problems, but they also have a slight level of danger.

Dangers of Dental X-Rays

  • Having 10 or more x-rays of the mouth drastically increases the potential for thyroid cancer. 

  • Excessive radiation can cause skin to have a dark burnt appearance and create cancers that may eventually lead to leukemia.

  • If radiation from the x-rays reaches a person’s reproductive organs, there is a slight risk of mutating the sperm or eggs, creating physically handicap offspring.

  • Radiation can change the lens of the eyeball or reduce natural eye moisturizing agents.

  • Extended exposure to radiation can create welts and blisters on the skin that can develop into skin cancer.  Since this is near delicate skin on the face, extended exposure should be avoided.

  • X-rays can not only deform cells creating cancer, but can literally kill cells so that they no longer exist in the human body.


How to Avoid these Dangers

  • Use a single panoramic x-ray machine that takes one quick sharp picture of the entire mouth rather than 14–18 separate films.

  • Wear lead bibs or collars over the thyroid and parathyroid glands, located in the neck to prevent some forms of cancer.

  • Only use modern, radiation safe x-ray machines.

  • Do not have x-rays while pregnant or trying to procreate.