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Common-Sense Safety Tips

When working around the house or in the office, there are many common-sense safety tips that some people forget to remember. Although they are called common-sense, many people do not know or utilize these skills. Here is a reminder about the common-sense safety tips you should practice on a daily basis:

  • Any time you are working with tools or small particles, make sure you wear safety glasses. It is important to protect your eyes at all times.

  • If you are working with sharp objects, wear gloves to protect your hands and skin.

  • Keep your car locked at all times, whether parked or driving.

  • Do not leave your house unlocked while you are gone. It is also a safe practice to lock the doors when you are home.

  • Never leave valuables such as a purse, iPod, cell phone or computer in the car alone, even if your car is locked.

  • Be cautious when you go places alone. Try to go with a friend or neighbor. You are less likely to have problems if you are with someone else. People tend to prey on single individuals.

  • Don’t be shy or afraid to call for help or dial 911. It’s better to have several people report a crime than no one at all.

  • Remove any bushes or trees from the exterior of your house. If you like the landscape, then keep the bushes trimmed. Potential robbers look for houses where they can easily hide.

  • If you like to wear expensive jewelry, don’t flash it around or brag about expensive products you own.

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Know where the exits are in the building.

  • Keep identification with you at all times.

  • When traveling, separate your money. Do not keep all of your cash in your wallet or purse. Put some in your suitcase, sock or pocket.

  • Don’t give out pertinent information like your address, phone number or email.

  • Don’t text on your cell phone while driving.