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Best Ways to Get Auto and Home Insurance

Auto and home insurance policies are necessities of life which provide a sense of security for those unforeseen mishaps that can occur in life.  Most insurance companies sell both auto and home insurance but it may not be worth your while to purchase them separately.  Learn more about the best ways to get auto and home insurance to make your dollar go further.

Purchasing auto and home insurance policies is a wise choice for those planners who care about their financial future and don't want an accident to send them to the poorhouse.  While everyone wants to procure the best deal on their insurance they may not be sure how to get the most ideal rates.  Most people purchase their auto and home insurance from separate companies because they are unaware of the benefits derived from holding dual policies with the same company.  Learning how to get the best deals on auto and home insurance means following a few simple rules:

  1. Always ask for the multi-policy discount.  Most insurance companies have an unspoken discount that applies to members who purchase more than one policy.  When you purchase a second policy with your insurance company always inquire about the multi-policy discount, which can run from 10-20% off.

  2. Inform the agent if you have alarm systems.  If you want to get good rates on your home and auto insurance, always inform the representative that you have obtained security surveillance for your house and an emergency alert system for your vehicle.  This will almost always mean additional money off of your insurance premium because it is preventative care that will equal less payout on behalf of the insurance company.

  3. Purchase your home in a good neighborhood.  Most people don't know that insurance companies calculate their rates based upon the zip code where the home is located and where the vehicle will be garaged.  If your home is in a low crime area you will automatically have a lower insurance premium because it is less likely that a break-in will occur.

  4. Choose automatic debit for your payments.  Allowing your insurance company to auto-debit your monthly insurance premium from your checking or credit account will make you eligible for discounts that can save you a lot of money.

When you follow the rules listed above you will save a lot of money while getting the insurance that is invaluable to all home and car owners.  Taking the time to get the best deal on your auto and home insurance will ensure that you get the coverage you need at the price you desire.