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Best Way to Establish Auto Services

Opening an auto service can be very rewarding and exciting if you are interested in auto services and repairs.  Having and owning a business doing mechanical work for other people or friends can save them a lot of money.  This type of business can be very lucrative with the potential to have a lot of customers that need your services. 

  1. Locate a listing of auto services available in your area.  Make a list of what services you will offer such as auto body repairs, collision damage from car accidents or paint repairs. There are many other services that you can provide for your customers that include electrical repairs, brake system repairs and tire system repairs.  The list could be limitless.  Depending on the services offered will determine how many people you will need to hire. 

  2. Create a business plan that outlines your business plan and a plan for how to reach those goals.  Be prepared to present these ideas in order to establish your service business.  Look at what the expenses will be such as rent, insurance, salaries and all other expenses for the business.  Find a bank that will finance the business for you.

  3. Find a place to rent.  Decide on the area of town that you would like to start your business; most auto service businesses are normally located near the highway and gas stations.  Solicit help from friends and family to help you decide on a location for rent.

  4. Start and open your business using a line of credit from the bank.  This type of business is normally a small business risk venture.  Make sure to hire people that best fit your business goals in order to help your business become successful.

  5. Make sure that you are competitive with other businesses offering the same services.