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Are Birth Centers Safe?

When you are deciding where you want to give birth, you should always ask about the safety of the facility you are considering. You want to know if the staff that will be caring for you and your new baby is licensed and experienced, and that the facility you choose is accredited. The questions you should be asking are outlined briefly here.

Safety Aspects

The ratio of positive outcomes to negative ones will be considered in the accreditation of a facility, but you should also ask about it when you talk to doctors and staff at a birth center. Other things to consider that may affect the safety of your baby’s birth day will be the relationships between staff members, the organization of the center, the layout and fire exits and the sanitary standards and how they are met.


Birth centers are regulated by the Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers, which monitors the safety and quality of care given at the facility. This is done in order to offer parents and family the reassurance of quality care. Accreditation of a facility means that the physical site and the equipment have been inspected and found up to standard.


Professional licensing of staff members, like nurses, midwives and physicians is important to the public. It lets you know if the care you receive will be from someone who has been properly trained and will pay attention to safety guidelines and you and your baby’s needs.


You will want to consider if you are a good candidate for a birth center. High-risk pregnancies, such as multiple births, are not always a good idea to have at birth centers because of the need for advanced equipment and treatment. You should also consider what kind of pain control you will want, because birth centers generally offer natural methods, as opposed to analgesic drugs.


Choosing a birth center can be a perfectly safe alternative to hospitals and home births. You must be sure that the facility you choose is accredited before you register. More importantly, you should be comfortable in the birthing room and feel safe in the care of the staff and doctors. If any of these points are questionable, talk to your doctor or midwife about it or research alternatives.