About Semi Trucks
Semi trucks are responsible for transporting goods to locations around the United States. Semi trucks come in different sizes and shapes. They have different functions and capabilities. Semi trucks are required to have certain certificates and permits to travel across country.
Semi’s mostly carry freight. Semi trucks are a combination of a towing engine and a trailer. Semi trucks deliver goods to warehouses and businesses around the country. Without semi trucks, goods would not get transported across country. Semi trucks are also called 18-wheelers, big rigs, and tractor-trailers.
Semi’s have the ability to pull large loads. Semi trucks have three axles for better weight distribution. Each axle has two wheels. A benefit of having two wheels is in case the truck blows a tire. It has the ability to get to a service station to have it repaired. Use of semi trucks for delivery. A semi truck pulling one trailer is known as a single. Most semi trucks only haul singles. A truck pulling two trailers is known as doubles. They have to use a converter gear known as a dolly to pull an extra trailer.
Get the correct license. In order to drive a semi truck, you have to have a commercial drivers license. Operating a vehicle weighing more than 26,000 pounds, you are required to have a commercial drivers license. Additional endorsements are needed for hauling hazardous material and over size loads. Being a truck driver is very challenging as each state has different regulations