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About Laser Hair Regrowth

Laser hair regrowth is an excellent option for those who may not want to undertake surgery as a means to battle their personal war with hair loss. This type of procedure is almost always non-evasive, provides proven results and does not require the use of any types of drugs.

The Process

Laser hair regrowth is usually completed in a clinic or doctor's office and takes approximately 15-30 minutes to complete one session. Because the lasers emit such low levels of light, it takes many sessions to achieve a satisfactory look. You can choose from different phases and this determines the length of the process. For example, you can select twice a week, once a week, bi-monthly or monthly. The more sessions, the faster the results. You may be complete in as little as five weeks or it may take as long as three months; this is up to you. Laser hair regrowth therapy has been proven to put a halt to genetic problems like pattern baldness, for both men and women. It can also increase the thickness of your hair by up to 30 percent and increase the instances of new hair growth by up to 85 percent. Laser hair regrowth therapy can aid in reversing any damage to your scalp that may be caused by products containing irritants or chemicals.

The Recovery

Because the process is fairly easy and does not require any type of anesthesia, there is very little recovery. Some may experience mild headaches during the first few sessions, but that should subside. You can complete your session and go to work or complete any normal tasks that you  schedule the same day.

The Cost

The cost, like all other medical procedures, varies. It depends on many factors. During your consultation with your dermatologist, you will be given an assessment and this will determine the treatment and the cost. Some flat rate sessions of approximately 15-20 visits may cost as much as $5,000. Remember, this is a long process and most cases, will require multiple sessions. The more you need, the higher the charge. Because this is considered to be a cosmetic procedure, most health insurance providers will not cover the process unless it is deemed medically necessary. You may need to consider putting some money away since you will be paying out-of-pocket.