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About Juvenile Detention Center Teaching Careers

Teaching careers at juvenile detention centers vary from one institution to another. Most juvenile detention centers teach the basics of English, math and reading skills. Some facilities offer art and art therapy while others offer life skills and occupational education. The different types of teaching careers in juvenile detention centers vary from state to state as well.


A teaching candidate for a juvenile detention center must meet the same requirements as any other teacher. They must hold a teaching degree required by the state they are working in, as well as any required certification and teaching credentials. Some facilities require a teaching candidate to take additional training. The National Juvenile Detention Association's Center for Research and Professional Development (CRPD) offers a 40-hour training course for those wishing to go into this field. The course specializes in preparing teachers how to interact with students in detention centers. Some institutions require this course be taken, while others do not.

Types of Teaching

There are many different types of teaching careers in a juvenile detention center. The most common type of teaching includes the basics of reading and math. Some teachers opt for specializing in one field such as art and art therapy. Others prefer to teach life-skills and career planning goals. Specially trained teachers in the mental health field help those with emotional problems to learn how to realistically deal with any difficult issue they may be having. Other teachers train staff to deal with inmates that may have learning disabilities. Some juvenile detention teachers serve as education advisors to the facility.