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Watchdog Advertising Inc

Watchdog Advertising Inc

Reviews 1
40.86577 -73.3647189
HOURS: Sats and Suns Closed

About Watchdog Advertising Inc

Watchdog Advertising has been in business for over 12 years. Throughout our years of business our knowledge of the industry has proved to be effective. Some of our clients have been with us since day one. Whatever your marketing needs may be, Watchdog can provide it for you. We work with radio and television broadcasting and have an in-house media production company! We also specialize in creative services, digital marketing, including Google Adwords/TV, print advertising, and branding.

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Reviews about Watchdog Advertising Inc

EXIT Hodges Real Estate

True Professionals

True professionals know that networking grows businesses. They also know that you must network not just within your community and industry but you must EXtend your hand to network with other professionals. We are EXcited to have you as part of network!
EXIT Hodges Real Estate


Photos for Watchdog Advertising Inc

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WatchdogAdv_Logocolor. by Watchdog Advertising Inc


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Watchdog Advertising Inc Blog

Does your business use social networking?

Social media has become one of the largest ways to advertise. We are currently signing up many new clients with our service regarding social media, which include Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blogs, and other social networking sites and we are getting positive feedback!  To find out more on what we can do for you, please e-mail us at Nickt@watchdogadvertising.com or give us a call at (631) 651-8950.   Nick TortoraInternet Marketing SpecialistNickt@watchdogadvertising.comWatchdog Adver... READ MORE Posted January 11, 2011 at 01:17 PM

Messages for Watchdog Advertising Inc

Thank you for joining my Network on Merchant Circle. I wish you the best in obtaining new customers.

By Wendy's I Do Weddings on January 21, 2011

Thank you for joining our circle. Wishing you success in 2011. See us at www.gowebdesk.com Alan

By WebDesk LLC on January 14, 2011

Thank you very much for the connection on MC. Happy New Year !

By Kays A Gift of Heart on January 13, 2011
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