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NLC Social Media is a marketing agency custom tailored to working with the small to medium sized business. We specialize in the developing lively, interactive social media campaigns and in the design and redesign of websites.

Social media marketing, like other marketing and advertising initiatives, requires an organizational commitment. Outsourcing social media marketing, or at least a portion of it, is many times the only realistic solution for businesses with limited skilled resources in marketing. In these situations, NLC Social Media works with companies to assist in managing the numerous tasks, updates, and monitoring that need to be performed on a continual basis. Our services include but are not limited to:

Facebook is the largest social networking website and has become a powerful tool for professionals to spread the word about their services and products. Statistics show that Facebook is growing by 20 million fans per day. Those fans are spending approximately 55 minutes each day on Facebook. Facebook is growing rapidly in part due to the increase of Businesses creating Fan Pages (or business pages). More than 1.5 million local businesses are now on Facebook. Fan Pages are the most viral tool that exists on the Internet and allow you to build a highly targeted and responsive list of prospects for your business.

At NLC Social Media we know how to help you leverage the power of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the largest professional networking website with over 85 million members in over 200 countries and territories around the world. A new member joins LinkedIn approximately every second and executives from all Fortune 500 companies are LinkedIn members. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for finding, being introduced to, and collaborating with qualified professionals that you need to work with to accomplish your goals.

Twitter is a microblog which answers the question, “What’s Happening?” in under 140 characters. There are already over 100 million users on Twitter, and it continues to add 300,000 new users every day. Twitter has become an amazing tool for companies who previously couldn’t afford exposure to be in front of thousands of people. NLC Social Media understands how to leverage Twitter and turn those 140 character “tweets” into more business for your company.

Social Media is about building and nurturing real relationships with your existing clients and your target market. E-Newsletters and E-Blasts make a perfect complement to Social Media marketing enabling you to transform your email and loyalty marketing into a real-time informational service for your customers. One of the best things about using E-Newsletters and E-Blasts is the ability to view real-time statistics and track who has received your mailings, who opened them, which email addresses bounced, who opted out of receiving future mailings, what links in your mailings were clicked, etc. These are valuable data to have and will assist you in preparing future mailings.

Website Design/Redesign
A website is the hub of all activity pertaining to the overall marketing of your business and services. Your website should be user friendly, not jam packed with information, but informative enough to generate leads and new customers. NLC understands how to create such sites that tie together with your social media efforts, encourage user interaction, and builds business. NLC also builds websites with the option of training the client to maintain the website after it is built.

YouTube is the world’s most popular online video community, allowing millions of people to search for, watch, and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small. YouTube recently passed the mark for 2 billion page views each day. It rivals Google for the #1 search engine spot, as YouTube is the place to go to find out “how to” do something.

Blog Design & Content Publishing
A company blog can be an excellent communication tool. Quality, consistent communication with customers and prospects improves brand recognition & establishes an organization’s credibility as a subject matter expert. Unfortunately, these activities can be difficult to maintain on a consistent basis. NLC Social Media can assist you with blog design, blog marketing, and for clients with an ongoing marketing relationship, blog content services.

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Reviews about NLC SOCIAL MEDIA

Hecker Video-Video Transfer and Conversion Service

Increase Your Traffic

NLC Social Media will increase your businesses traffic with their full service social media campaign.



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Amazon: E-books Will Overtake Paperbacks by End of 2011

Amazonpredicts that it will sell more e-books than paperbacks by the end of next year, and that they will eclipse both paperback and hardcover sales combined shortly thereafter. "I predict we will surpass paperback sales sometime in the next nine to 12 months. Sometime after that, we'll surpass the combination of paperback and hardcover," Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos toldUSA Today.Kindle books havealready eclipsed hardcover sales; Amazon recently said it sells 180 e-books for every 100 hardcovers, w... READ MORE Posted July 30, 2010 at 06:36 AM

What Your Company's Twitter Account Says About You

 Companies large and small have started using Twitter as a way to promote themselves, interact with customers, and handle customer service. Some do it better than others. Of course, how you should run your company's Twitter account varies widely by the size and type of your company -- a small coffee shop will obviously want a different Twitter presence than a large airline or utility company, or a news website. But there are certain universal truths to what your company's ... READ MORE Posted July 29, 2010 at 09:23 AM

Social Media Revolution

Social Media Revolution 2 is a refresh of the original video with new and updated social media&mobile; statistics that are hard to ignore. Based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. The video is 4 minutes long … well worth the time to watch it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFZ0z5Fm-Ng&feature=player_embedded READ MORE Posted July 28, 2010 at 08:25 AM


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