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Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc.

Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc.

Reviews 0
36.0577291 -97.042785
HOURS: Sats and Suns Closed

About Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc.

This Non-Profit organization is designed to help terminal patients, cancer patients, dialysis patients, disabled patients, rehabilitating patients, shut-ins, Disabled American Veterans (D.A.V.), etc., that are in need of a computer and the accessories that go with it.

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Photos for Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc.

JPFO_LOGO.61195802_std by Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc.


JPFO_banner.23201733_std by Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc.


grp by Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc.


five_dollars by Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc.


Just Plain Folks Organization, Inc. Blog

Tell us about one of your best memories.....

Please feel free to share some of your past to let people know that were given something for FREE!  This could range from winning at the local Casino to Publishers Clearing house or your local lottery with the school in your area.  Lets have some fun!  :-) READ MORE Posted January 22, 2012 at 11:03 AM

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