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Deseret Industries Manufacturing

Deseret Industries Manufacturing

Reviews 0
40.733352 -111.9450572
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About Deseret Industries Manufacturing

Deseret Industries has everything you need and lots of what you just can't live without. We have thousands of new items arriving every day, like clothes, household goods, even furniture. But we also have tons of other treasures like collectibles, toys and games. And if you don't find what you're looking for today, come back tomorrow. Our sales floor is always being replenished. Have some extra stuff you don't need any more? Everything you give helps restore hope in people's lives. All proceeds go to support job training for our associates and help them gain valuable work experience, then we help them move into permanent, gainful employment in the community. So hand off those hand-me-downs. It's what keeps us, and the community, going.

Second-hand and new merchandise - job training

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