Blogs from Alternative Medicine Services in Fort Worth, TX

Why should I wait so long between laser treatments?

When the decision is made to remove a tattoo, we know you want it gone as soon as possible. Yesterday would be GREAT! Sadly, tattoo removal is a process. On average it takes between 5 and 10 treatments to completely remove a tattoo. Some homemade tattoos can take fewer treatments, while some dense, professional tattoos may take more. Laser treatments are spaced about 4-8 weeks apart in the beginning. Toward the end of the removal process, treatments may be spread further apart. Why is that much time between treatments necessary? First and foremost, the body needs time to heal between treatments. When you first got the tattoo, it took a few weeks or more for the skin to heal. It will take about the same amount of time for the skin to heal after laser treatment. Also note that the skin often appears healed on the surface, but could still be healing underneath. For that reason, it is best to wait a full four weeks or more between treatments as treating too soon could cause the laser treatments to be more uncomfortable. Also treating over unhealed skin, could increase the potential for scaring. Second, your immune system needs time to flush out the ink that is shattered during laser treatments. Remember it is your immune system that actually does the removal, but it needs the laser to break up the ink into manageable sized particles. The immune system is also responsible for healing the skin. When the immune system is working on multiple tasks at one time, it tends to work more slowly on “less critical” jobs, in this case that would be removing shattered ink. Allowing more time after the skin appears healed, allows for the immune system to focus more attention to removing the shattered ink. More time between treatments could allow you to see more fading from one treatment to the next. At Vanish, we understand you want your tattoo gone as quickly as possible. Please keep in mind that when more time is recommended, it is to ensure you see the best results possible. Of course, no one wants your tattoo gone sooner than you, but Vanish staff is a very close second. If your tattoo fades and vanishes with fewer treatments than initially expected, we know you’re going to be so pleased you can’t help but share your experience with others and that’s not only a win for you, but also for us. Who doesn’t love a “win-win”? As always, if you have any questions or concern about your treatment or the way your tattoo is responding, don’t hesitate to ask. Vanish staff is always ready to answer your questions and make sure you fully understand the laser tattoo removal process. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics September 25, 2014

The Latest and Greatest in Laser Tattoo Removal

There’s been a lot of hype lately with regards to the newest FDA approved tattoo removal laser, Picosure. Its’ been seen on news publications across the country; states are happy to announce its arrival to one of their cities; and a quick Google search for “laser tattoo removal” will likely result in numerous listings devoted to the Picosure laser. So what’s all the fuss? Is it in fact the biggest breakthrough in laser tattoo removal in decades? Perhaps in some regards, but not to the extent the media hype would lead you to believe. The biggest difference between the Picosure laser and the more widely used Q-switched lasers like our Astanza Trinity is the pulse-width (the amount of time the laser’s energy is applied with each pulse). A Q-switched laser has a pulse-width of 1 nanosecond. As its name would suggest, the Picosure has a pulse-width of 1 picosecond, one thousand times smaller than a nanosecond. What does a shortened pulse-width mean for laser tattoo removal? In theory, a shorter pulse-width would mean less pain during treatment and less temporary tissue damage therefore a shorter healing time. After performing a Google search for “Picosure reviews” we found There are some very detailed accounts including pictures chronicling patients’ journey through picosure treatments. Most of the pictures and descriptions of the healing process as well as many testimonials of the discomfort felt during treatment seem very closely related to what can be expected with treatment from our Astanza Trinity Laser. Picosure’s creators’ accounts of how effective their laser is at removing tattoos, leads many to believe that it can remove a tattoo in as few as one treatment and if not just one, certainly far less than a Q-switched laser. Further review of patients’ accounts of their treatments showed that multiple treatments were needed in many cases and unless the tattoo is full of blue, green, or purple inks, the Picosure is not the only laser used to treat the tattoo. Reds and yellows are especially resistant to the Picosure. This is because the Picosure laser only has one wavelength, 755nm (Alexandrite). Sadly not all colors will respond to the same wavelength. Black responds to most wavelengths so the Picosure does a pretty good job of fading black inks, but it is most effective against blues, greens, and purples. We'll be upfront here: according to pictures posted by actual patients, blues, greens, and purples seem to respond to the Picosure better than our Q-switched 694nm (Ruby) wavelength as far as speed of color loss. If a patient has reds, yellows, and oranges in their tattoo the Picosure is not the right laser for them though. Another laser will need to be used to effectively fade those colors, and what will the proponents of the Picosure use instead? Yep, you guessed it, they’ll be forced to go right back to a Q-switched laser like the Astanza Trinity we use here at Vanish because for reds, yellows, and oranges you need a 532nm wavelength. Here's the clincher: with the cost of Picosure laser treatments nearly double the price of Q-switched laser treatments, is it really worth it to go with the Picosure? That is totally up to the consumer, however if given a choice, I'd lean towards going somewhere that could use one laser to deal with ALL the colors that need to come out. That just makes more sense. Upon looking at the long track record of efficacy and documented safety and results from the Q-switched Astanza laser, well...why re-invent the wheel? Go with what has been proven to work. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics August 20, 2014

Will Laser Tattoo Removal Treatments cause Scarring?

Anytime there is physical trauma to the skin, there is a potential for scarring, however, with the right laser the risk of scarring is extremely minimal. Some lasers are very effective in removing ink from the skin, but are not designed to do so. By using a laser for tattoo removal that was not designed for that task is a very risky move. Hair removal lasers, IPL, and CO2 treatments can cause major scarring if used to treat tattoos. In addition, improperly calibrated tattoo removal lasers can have an adverse effect on the skin as well which could lead to scarring.There is also a heightened risk of scarring when you have a high history of abnormal scarring (think keloids), or you are a “bad patient,” like one of our laser specialists, and pick at your scabs. Following proper aftercare techniques; such as keeping the area clean, dry, and covered for the first few days; changing the bandage regularly; and allowing the tattoo ample time to heal between treatments, can reduce the already limited risk of scarring from laser tattoo removal treatments.For a detailed list of proper aftercare procedures, click here… When there is pre-existing scar tissue in the tattoo, be it from the tattoo process itself or some other trauma, it is likely that the scar tissue will be visible after the tattoo has been removed. The photo below shows a tattoo that was treated before coming to Vanish. There is significant scar tissue present in the "before" photo (top left) most likely from a laser not designed for tattoo removal or from an improperly calibrated laser.  We were able to continue to lighten the ink with our Astanza Trinity Laser, however the pre-existing scar tissue remained virtually unchanged.As always, don’t hesitate to talk to our laser specialists if you have any questions or concerns. It is our goal that you are not only pleased with your treatments, but are confident in the care you are receiving and that your tattoo is progressing properly. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics August 02, 2014

Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics Offers Free Treatment

Cancer Survivors Can Get Free Removal of Radiation Positioning Tattoos June is National Cancer Survivors’ Month. In celebration of that, Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics of Ft Worth is offering free removal of radiation positioning tattoos for all cancer survivors during the month of June. Radiation positioning tattoos are routinely applied at the start of treatments to insure consistent positioning throughout the radiation procedures. In most cases, only one treatment is required to remove the tiny amount of ink used in this type of tattoo. On occasion, however, repeat treatments may be necessary to remove the ink. When this is necessary, there will be no charge for additional treatments. Janet Wright, Head Laser Technician at Vanish notes,” Nothing is more beautiful than a celebration of life and a new beginning. We, at Vanish, feel that by offering removal of the radiation tattoos, we’re helping survivors close the book on their cancer struggle so they can celebrate their victory fully.” In order to be certain that the tattoos will not be needed again the patient’s oncologist MUST give written consent to the treatment which will serve as verification of the patient’s cancer free status. To qualify for FREE removal, initial appointments must be made during the month of June. For more information, go to, email or call 817-485-5100. Vanish is located at 4455 Camp Bowie Blvd Suite 232 in Fort Worth, Texas near Walgreens. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics April 17, 2014

What are some reasons people have for removing tattoos?

As a lover of tattoos, you may wonder why so many seem to be deciding to remove tattoos these days. There are nearly as many reasons to remove a tattoo as there are people seeking tattoo removal. It is a personal decision that can at times involve a great number of emotions. At Vanish, we do not wish to pry into our patients’ reasons for tattoo removal, but when they are shared freely, we gladly listen. Sometimes a tattoo was the result of a rebellious time when the tattoo served to prove one's independence and freedom from authority. Other times a tattoo can be a reminder of a time a person would now rather forget. That could be a long gone relationship or a wide variety of other memories that one does not wish to relive, or maybe just explaining the significance of the tattoo is more than a person cares to deal with. Still other times the placement of the tattoo can be a problem. Some of our patients love their tattoos, but covering them for work has become a frustration. Others are seeking a career in the Armed Forces. Tattoo policies in the military change often as the need for new recruits rises and falls. The army recently tightened its restrictions on tattoos for new enlistees. These tighter restrictions forbid tattoos below the knees or elbows, whereas previously only the area 2 inches above the wrist and lower was off limits. Regardless of the reasons one may have for removing a tattoo, Vanish will treat each person and each tattoo with the utmost respect and care. If you’d like to share your story with us, we’d love to hear it. If not, we respect your privacy. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics January 24, 2014

White Ink Tattoos

A rapidly growing trend in the tattoo community seems to be white ink tattoos. Until recently white ink was primarily used to highlight colorful tattoos, but rarely as the primary color of the tattoo. Now, using white ink as the primary or even only color in a tattoo is becoming very popular. Part of the appeal is that white ink tattoos are much more subtle than their dark/colorful counterparts. White ink can be placed on more exposed areas with little risk of backlash in the workplace. And if they are seen by the boss, they are much easier to cover than bold, black tattoos. White ink tattoos do have a downside, however. First, it is hard to use a stencil for a white ink tattoo as the risk of mixing stencil ink with the white tattoo ink is great. When these inks mix, the color becomes a pale blue, pale purple, or even a grayish color. While these colors are still much more subtle than a black or colorful tattoo, the desired look is lost when stencil ink mixes with white tattoo ink. Another issue with white ink tattoos is that they are much more prone to degrade due to sun exposure. They can fade completely as the sun̢۪s ultraviolet rays breakdown the ink particles. In other instances, the white ink can become yellowed or even turn a brownish or even a gray color. There again, the desired result of an all white tattoo is lost. As with any tattoo, but more so when looking to get an all white or predominately white ink tattoo, make sure you understand the process and the risks. Find an artist who is confident in working with all white ink, but above all find an artist who has experience with white ink tattoos. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics July 16, 2013

My how quickly times change!

During the morning news when birthday are announced, there is almost always a 90+ year old celebrating a birthday. It is hard to imagine all the changes these people have witnessed over the last 90+ years. Just over 100 years ago, the horse and buggy was the most common way to get around. Less than 80 years ago, the computer was invented. And just less than 40 years ago the first desktop computer designed for personal use hit the market. Now nearly all U.S. residents have an automobile. Computers practically run our lives, and we carry telephones in our pockets. AMAZING!! Check out this article to see what sounds your children may never hear or at least be able to recognize. With so much technology available at our fingertips you would expect laser tattoo removal to be available with minimal risks. At Vanish, it is! The Trinity Laser by Astanza was designed specifically for tattoo removal. It is capable of shattering tattoo ink within the skin allowing the immune system to flush out the ink without causing permanent damage to the skin in most cases. So while technological advances tend to make us feel old at times, they are only bettering our lives in one way or another. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics July 16, 2013

Cover-up or Tattoo Removal?

When a tattoo is no longer wanted, there are many options available to remedy the situation. Cover-up or tattoo removal seems to be the most common ways to deal with an unwanted tattoo. In order to decide which is best for you, you need to ask yourself some questions about your tattoo. If the placement of the tattoo is not a problem, and you like having a tattoo, just not that tattoo, a cover-up may work for you. Keep in mind that not all artists are skilled at cover-ups. Also the new tattoo would have to be larger and darker than the original tattoo, usually much larger and darker. If the placement of the tattoo is the problem or if a larger, darker tattoo doesn̢۪t appeal to you, tattoo removal may be your best option. With the right technology, laser tattoo removal can completely remove an unwanted tattoo in most cases. When choosing laser tattoo removal, be sure the laser used was designed for pigment removal. It is possible to recalibrate a laser so that it is capable of performing many different services, however the more services a single laser can perform leads to the possibility for errors in calibration. Improperly calibrated lasers can cause adverse reactions such as tissue damage or little to no results. Be certain that whatever you decide for your tattoo, it is the right decision for you and anyone working on your tattoo is qualified to do the job at hand. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics March 08, 2013

Why Do People Seek Laser Tattoo Removal?

There may be as many reasons to have a tattoo removed as there are unwanted tattoos, but when it comes down to it, there are many common reasons to remove a tattoo. Some of the more common reasons people decide to remove a tattoo are below. Tattoo Quality Sometimes the idea of the tattoo is much better before it is placed on the skin. Words can be misspelled, lines can be shaky or inconsistent, the colors don’t hold in the skin like originally anticipated, etc. Sometimes rather than having a tattoo redone, people will opt to remove the tattoo in order to start with a blank canvas. Career Like it or not, tattoos are not allowed in some industries. The military is tightening their tattoo policy, while some businesses do not allow their employees to have tattoos at all. People often choose to remove a tattoo in order to better their career. Religious Reasons As people change often their religious beliefs can change as well. When a tattoo no longer fits with their religious beliefs and values, tattoo removal may be sought. Have Children This one may seem interesting, but often times as people settle down and begin to raise families they realize they do not want their children to ask questions about their tattoos or they don’t want their children to have tattoos at all. The saying “do as I say, not as I do” seems to fit here. Many feel that their warnings may be more easily heeded when they as parents no longer have a tattoo for their children to see. Getting Married Many brides have a hard time finding the perfect dress when a once loved tattoo is peering awkwardly from beneath the lacy gown. Tattoo removal seems a great option when a low cut or backless dress is desired. Parents Don’t Approve While the parents may never have approved, eventually the disapproval becomes too much for some, and so tattoo removal is sought to help appease mom and dad. Love Gone Bad This may be one of the most common reasons to seek tattoo removal. Whether an ex-lover’s name is tattooed on the arm or just a matching symbol links two people who have grown apart, sadly tattoos often last longer than many relationships. When relationships end, it is hard looking at a symbol of that once burning love. Tattoo removal can help to close the wounds of a relationship gone bad. Whatever the reason for seeking tattoo removal, it is always important to find a reputable clinic with a laser that was designed specifically for tattoo removal. A laser that is also able to perform hair removal or other non-pigment related services, probably is not the best option for tattoo removal. When a laser can be manipulated to perform multiple varieties calibration errors can occur resulting in little to no results or higher incidence for burns and scarring. If ever there is any doubt about a laser’s ability to remove a tattoo safely, contact the clinic and ask questions. At Vanish consultations are always free of charge to allow you to have all of your questions answered and to become comfortable with the staff and procedure before any treatment is started. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics February 22, 2013

What Is the Difference Between IPL and Laser Treatment?

While IPL and Laser treatments both use intensely directed light to treat skin conditions from sun spots, to broken capillaries, to removal of tattoos, IPL and Laser treatments are not created equal. IPL stands for intense pulsed light. The short blasts of polychromatic high-intensity light penetrate just below the surface of the skin. According to Greg Absten the executive director of The Laser Training Institute IPL is a “broad shot-gun approach to skin conditions.” He goes on to say “It’s not the best at any one thing, but it works pretty well.”  Lasers are able to target a single condition by using a high-powered, directed beam of intense coherent light on a specific wavelength. Mr. Absten calls this the “riffle approach.” When a specific skin condition is being treated, lasers are the best option as they are able to penetrate deeper into the skin to the heart of the condition and are specialized enough to leave surrounding tissue undamaged. For broad spectrum skin conditions, IPL may be the solution. However if you’re looking to treat something more specific such as a specific sun spot or to remove a tattoo, lasers may be the best option. When it comes to tattoo removal, lasers especially q-switched Nd:YAG lasers are the gold standard. Multiple wavelengths will be required to remove a variety of colors, but the specialization of lasers allows for pigment to be broken up without causing permanent damage to the skin in most cases.  While IPL treatments are able to destroy pigment in a tattoo, they are not focused enough to penetrate into the dermis where the majority of the ink resides. Also as they are not as specialized as lasers, the risk for scarring is more common with IPL treatments than with laser treatments. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics February 11, 2013

Does the laser burn off my skin in layers in order to remove ink?

This may be one of the most common questions asked about laser tattoo removal. People associate lasers with burning, and while there is heat involved and the after effects of laser tattoo removal mimic those of second degree burns, the laser is not burning off layers of skin. The energy and associated heat is absorbed by the tattoo ink. Once the ink has absorbed enough heat and energy, it shatters into much smaller particles. Shattering tattoo ink is an extremely fast process. The laser’s energy is applied for a mere nanosecond. That’s less time that it takes to blink! Laser treatments do last much longer than a few nanoseconds, however, as the entire tattoo must be treated in order to shatter ink throughout the tattoo. Once the ink is shattered, it is able to cool off even more rapidly. This allows for the surrounding tissue to be virtually undamaged. Some very slight bleeding, scabbing, and blistering is possible, but heal over a matter of a few weeks. Laser tattoo removal sessions are generally performed about every 4-6 weeks to allow the body to completely heal and also for the immune system to remove a good portion of the shattered ink. With each session, the energy of the laser will be turned up to enable the laser’s energy to be absorbed by deeper layers of ink. On average a tattoo takes between 5 and 10 sessions to remove. This is a very broad range as there are numerous factors that determine how easily a tattoo will be to remove through laser treatments. Vanish offers free consultations so that any questions you may have can be answered by one of our certified laser specialists, and also so that an assessment of your tattoo can determine a more specific range of how many sessions will be needed for your specific tattoo. If you are considering laser tattoo removal, contact Vanish today at 817-585-4100. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics January 29, 2013

Are colorful tattoos more difficult to remove than black tattoos?

The answer to this question is “yes, and no.” Black tends to be easier to remove because black absorbs nearly all wavelengths of light making laser treatment very effective. Colorful tattoos tend to be more difficult because it is necessary to use the correct wavelength to effectively shatter the colorful ink particles. At the same time, however, black ink tends to be applied more densely than other colors. Ink density plays a major role in how easily a tattoo can be removed. The more dense and dark the ink is the more sessions will be required to shatter all of the ink so that the immune system can flush it out. Below are some examples of colorful and black only tattoos throughout the laser tattoo removal process.  As you can see both colors and black fade well with the Trinity Laser by Astanza used at Vanish. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics January 21, 2013

Mark Wahlberg Tattoo Removal

It’s no secret that celebrities often get tattoos. Sometimes celebrities seek out tattoo removal options to remove those same tattoos. Mark Wahlberg told Kelly Ripa on “Live: with Kelly and Michael” that he had undergone laser tattoo removal treatments to remove an old Bob Marley tattoo from his shoulder. He said that his tattoos all have meaning to him, but on a personal level he doesn’t want his children getting tattoos and on a professional level, the time and effort involved in cover the tattoo with make-up “has always been a pain in the butt.” Mark has even taken his two older children with him to his tattoo removal sessions. He wants them to see what is involved when a tattoo becomes an unwanted tattoo. Upon hearing of Mark’s tattoo removal, she announced that she had been having laser treatments to remove a tattoo of her own. Below are photos of Mark Wahlberg’s tattoo both before and after several laser treatments. These photos were found in an article from last April. The tattoo may be completely gone by now. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics January 16, 2013

Is it possible to completely remove a tattoo?

In most cases complete removal is possible with the Astanza Trinity Laser. On average a tattoo takes between 5 and 10 sessions to completely remove. Some light, not so deep tattoos may require fewer sessions, while darker, deeper tattoos may require more. It is possible for some hyper/hypo-pigmentation (darkening or lightening of the skin) to occur during treatment. This is more common in darker skinned patients and generally resolves itself over a period of months after the last treatment. Textural changes to the skin may occur over the treated area, but like the hyper/hypo-pigmentation, it is generally resolved over a period of months after the last treatment. While scarring is possible with laser tattoo removal treatment, it is extremely rare with the Trinity laser. Unless you have a high incidence of abnormal scarring such as keloids, there is no need to worry. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics January 14, 2013

What Type of Anesthetic Is Used at Vanish?

There are many options for eliminating the discomfort associated with laser tattoo removal, from local injections to topical creams and more. No option will completely eliminate the associated discomfort and most come with drawbacks. Local injections are administered with a needle in multiple areas throughout the tattoo. The tattoo removal procedure often times can be performed in less time than is necessary to administer the injections. Topical creams must be applied at least 30 minutes prior to the laser treatment. Just before the procedure the area must be cleaned with alcohol which removes the majority of the cream. To further complicate the situation, any residual cream could reflect some of the laser’s energy resulting in less energy reaching the ink thus slightly diminishing the effectiveness of laser treatment. Oral pain killers such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen must also be taken at least 30 minutes prior to laser treatment. Aspirin products and other pain killers with blood thinning qualities can counteract the immune system response thereby diminishing the effectiveness of laser treatment. To avoid the drawbacks of the aforementioned pain killing options, Vanish uses a cryo unit to blow extremely cold air onto the treated area before, during, and for a few moments after treatment. This helps to cool and numb the area without the pain of needles, the time required for topical or oral anesthetics, or the counteractive properties of topical and some oral anesthetics. Most patients at Vanish describe the pain associated with laser tattoo removal to be “about the same as getting a tattoo” or “not as bad as I expected. There are some who say that tattoo removal is extremely painful. Because no two patients are alike, we remind all of our patients that they are in complete control of their treatment. We can go as fast or as slow as is necessary for your treatment to be tolerable. The positioning of the cryo unit’s air is within the patient’s control as well. At Vanish we strive to ensure the comfort of all of our patients. If there is something we can do to make your treatment more tolerable do not hesitate to let us know. more

By Vanish Laser Tattoo Removal and Skin Aesthetics December 31, 2012

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Mcvean Clinic for Preventive Medicine


By Anonymous

Dr. McVean is not a "Doctor" at all. The school that she credits her degree from (1998 Naturopath Doctor N.D. Clayton School of Natural Healing) is a sham and has be discredited and was shut down in 2010. I would not recommend anyone seek advise or diagnosis from this clinic. See website called "Quackwatch" for information about Clayton School of Natural Healing. more

Bailey E Jo MD


By chipchip at Citysearch

Went in for acne consult. Dr. Bailey was very promt and patient with me. She answered all my questions. Had a micro laser peel and what a difference ! Highly reccomend this place, great staff everyone was friendly and helpful. They even let me do a payment plan. more

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