Top articles for Domestic Violence Information & Treatment

Ways to Raise Money for Battered Women

Ways to Raise Money for Battered Women

Battered women often leave home with only the clothes they are wearing. Usually when the decision is made to leave, they move quickly and leave behind most possessions. Money that is raised to help them is greatly appreciated as it helps them begin their new lives. more

Physical Violence and Its Effect on Children

Physical Violence and Its Effect on Children

Physical violence has major effects on children; whether it directly involves the children or not. Violence on parents or other children also impacts a child. Often parents feel that the child is unaware of what is going on; however, that is generally not the case. Children hear and see much more than a parent might think. more

How to Assess the Social Risks of Battered Women

How to Assess the Social Risks of Battered Women

Aside from the physical and emotional abuse they have endured, battered women are also faced with many other challenges.  Assessing the social risks of battered women is an important step in determining the resources that they are lacking and what is needed to live independently. more

How to Identify Child Abuse Signs

How to Identify Child Abuse Signs

Identifying child abuse early is crucial in order to protect the child. It should be noted that the abuse is not always physical. A child can also be suffering from emotional and sexual abuse as well. Once the abuse has been detected it is important to get help for the child so that the healing process can begin. more

Counseling Methods for Abused Women

Counseling Methods for Abused Women

Domestic violence is not something new to society. Millions of women are affected by physical, emotional and many other types of abuse every year. Women can receive counseling in various ways to help them get over these dark times of their past. more

How to Become a Certified Domestic Abuse Counselor

How to Become a Certified Domestic Abuse Counselor

Ascertain whether you are healthy and strong enough emotionally to deal with abuse work. A good way to find out is to volunteer at a domestic abuse shelter. Check out the different job opportunities and learn how to become a certified domestic abuse counselor. There are different educational routes to go. Obtain your certification through one of the many programs. Continue your education if you wish to expand upon your job opportunities and training. more

The Effects of Family Violence and Drug Abuse on Children

The Effects of Family Violence and Drug Abuse on Children

The effects of family violence and drug abuse on children are well documented not only in psychology journals, but in reality and talk shows on TV. Many adults who experienced these things when they were children spend years in therapy to recover or simply go on to repeat the patterns until one finally opens their eyes. more

Recent Reviews View all

Manning's Consulting Firm


By Susan W.

I use to work for Manning's Consulting Firm. They are really nice people and are very sincere about working with the children of the urban community. The children was very difficult to work with actually. I didn't grow up like them, also I'm caucasian so it was really hard for me to relate to them. They work with worst of the worst. The job was just not me. I didn't last very long but great company mission and good people that work with. Oh just to let you know, they just had a company name change to "Motivating Children For The Future at" That name better fits the company any way. The are fairly new but I see them going really far. Those kids need people like them any ways. more

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