Top articles for Golf

How to Increase a Golf Swing Speed

How to Increase a Golf Swing Speed

Golfers who increase their swing speed can get greater distance off of the tee. Driving the ball further off of the tee will allow a golfer to use a shorter iron for the approach shot to the green. Practicing a faster swing is the only way to consistently hit an accurate shot. more

How to Attend PGA Golf School

How to Attend PGA Golf School

When you go to a PGA golf school you can pick up golfing skills that PGA professionals possess. Attending one of these schools is a great idea if you are serious about becoming a professional golfer. Keep in mind that attending a PGA school will cost a considerable amount of money, but will more than likely pay off. more

How to Play Mini Golf at Home

How to Play Mini Golf at Home

Playing mini golf at home is a fun way to spend time with family and friends. Creating the course is often as much fun as playing a match. There are no limitations other than the designer’s imagination when it comes to building a mini golf course to play at home. more

How to Score at Disc Golf

How to Score at Disc Golf

Disc golf is a rapidly growing sport across the United States. Part of its popularity stems from its informal rules and low equipment requirements. Disc golf shares many similarities with traditional golf. In particular, the scoring system of the two sports is almost identical. They are both based on the concept that the lowest score wins the match. more

Types of Essential Golf Equipment

Types of Essential Golf Equipment

Seasoned pros and hobbists alike head to the course to enjoy a game of golf. Part of effectively playing the game is having the right things to do so. There are types of essential gold equipment that you need to get yourself started in the sport. more

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