Top Abuse Treatment Services in Cleveland, OH 44105

Rehabilitation of your mind and body takes time and a deep personal drive to improve your life and regain the person you truly are. One of the biggest hurdles to your recovery process is the risk o...Read More…

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Ed Keating Center


By KindnessLove at Citysearch

This Vivian lady that is the assistant director at Maggie's house completely lacks empathy & compassion for the alcoholic women she is supposed to be there to support. Never does a kind word leave her lips, criticism and degradation are her means of communication. Ladies that come to this place for help have already been criticized and judged by everyone else in their life, we're responsible to show these women "A better way of life" how is that happening with the ridicule and dishonesty of this woman? As I continue to pray for the women at the house I hope someone reads this that can help these woman be rid of this Vivian! more

Ed Keating Center


By sedteacher at Citysearch

The Ed Keating Center is a rehab. center that takes in any male regardless of their ability to pay. They can be a homeless man right off the street, and they will give them a home, 3 square meals a day, cloth them with donated items, help them find a job, get them sober, make them go to 4 group meetings a day and get their life back on track. The guys are required to also go to AA meetings daily. They do not take government assistance, and live off of the kindness of private donors and area businesses who provide leftover food for the guys to eat.. Yes, they have many who will relapse and need to come back, but as the owner and operator says, "they will never turn a guy away who needs help getting off until 5 seconds before they take there last dying breath." It is all up to the men who go there to really want to change and a lot of them do. With the help of the EKC center, they get that chance. They can get rides from those who are able to drive, or from the EKC van to get to and from work, court visits, etc. They also provide 3/4 assistance at several locations where the guys pay a small amount to live there after completing the program, but feed them still. They have also started a women's house called Maggie's House. more

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Don’t let an addiction destroy your career | Addiction Ohio

A drug is addiction is always destructive to the addict’s life. Whether financially, mentally, emotionally, or whether it affects the people around them like family even worse, and addiction is destructive. Life is already so unbalanced sometimes that an addiction will only add to the constant turmoil of life. Stability at home and stability of mind are the only things that will make life easier to deal with overall. A drug addiction will only cause a decrease of this stability and that is when things go wrong. More often than not, when things aren’t going well at home, it translates over to your job performance. You must have control over your own life in order to have a chance for success but if you’re addicted to a substance, then that substance will control your life, without you even knowing, and put a real damper on your former goals.Conversely, some can operate in public, and in the workplace just fine with a drug addiction. Some show the minutest of signs of their addiction so that coworkers do not even notice. Even further, some of these addicts can be business owners or managers who are responsible for others. Their apparent success puts a mask over the issue eating away at them under closed doors. These types of addicts, called functioning addicts by therapists, often need the most help. It is these types of addicts that will mask their woes of addiction for ages until it catches up to them one day. At that point break down is imminent, and the situation becomes dangerous not only for them, but for their family, friends and the people around them. Those close to the addict, looking from the outside in, who can spot out the underlying problem have a responsibility to get them help, or else they’ll witness a myriad of terrible consequences befall the unknowing addict.It does, however, go both ways. The one with the problem must concede with the idea of treatment. He or she must acknowledge the efforts taken by his or her loved ones. The biggest and most obvious problem then faced by the addict is a social and mental one. First they must admit to their problem, else all attempt to rectify the addiction will be naught. Once they admit to their problem they can take time off from their job and pursue an in-patient program. However they will fear that this decision will still affect them negatively because they will lose the perception they built with the company they work for. This can lead to a loss of confidence by investors, stock holders and fellow workers and because they are away for an extended period of time at an in-patient drug addiction treatment program, preventing them from physically and verbally addressing these concerns in person. Conversely they may have considered AA meetings or anonymous congregations yet are turned off because they fear these meetings will not provide the kind of help they need for the time invested. Another concern maybe that the meetings may not provide the kind of confidentiality they need to avoid public or peer scrutiny. This concern can be put to rest due to effective out-patient treatment programs for those who may feel there are no other options. Drug Addiction Treatment Help in Mayfield Heights, OH, is a proven, discrete treatment program that goes beyond reducing the desire to drink, but also guides their guests in creating a rubric towards acquiring the life desired professionally and personally. more

By Drug Addiction Treatment Help May 07, 2013

Don’t let drinking destroy your career

When we paint a mental picture of who a alcoholic is to ourselves, we fill our minds with factors like how does the person act, how do they look, who they associate themselves with, etc. We look at obvious signs like loss of job or school performance, excessive work tardiness, and so on but what about those people who have adapted their bad habit so that they can cloak it from plain sight. These people use various tools to create the perception in our eyes that they are not alcoholics by masking it behind their successes. Highlighting things like their career progression, family success, items purchased and so forth, these people can effectively give us the “warm&fuzzy” causing us to look past their drinking habits that we may notice. Therapists relate to these people as high functioning alcoholics. A company boss or manager may be under the impression that due to their current ability to effectively perform their job, they must have their drinking problem under control since it does not obviously affect them in the workplace. However the rest of us looking from the outside in, know that this can change overnight and their world can come crashing down with no warning, due to alcohol. Mark my word, it is only a matter time before nature begins to expose their habit and typically it will happen at the worse time. As the constant drinking goes on, they will not notice their memory lapses of simple tasks at first and more serious ones later. They may not notice their quick thinking is no longer as sharp, however others around them will. At that point there is a lot at risk besides the health of the individual but now that person’s family and the company they own or manage as well. The struggle internally for that individual is that they may now find themselves in a conundrum that is quite tricky to socially deal with. Once they admit to their problem they can take time off from their job and pursue an in-patient program. However they will fear that this decision will still affect them negatively because they will lose the perception they built with the company they work for. This can lead to a loss of confidence by investors, stock holders and fellow workers and because they are away for an extended period of time at an in-patient alcohol treatment program, preventing them from physically and verbally addressing these concerns in person. Conversely they may have considered AA meetings, yet are turned off because they fear these meetings will not provide the kind of recognition needed to retain their position of leadership in the company. Another concern maybe that the meetings may not provide the kind of confidentiality they need to avoid public or peer scrutiny. This concern can be put to rest due to effective out-patient treatment programs for those who may feel there are no other options. Substance Abuse Helpline in Garfield Heights, OH, is a proven, discrete treatment program that goes beyond reducing the desire to drink, but also guides their guests in creating a rubric towards acquiring the life you want to have both professional and personally. more

By Substance Abuse Helpline May 03, 2013

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