Top articles for Real Estate Lawyers

What are the Duties of a Real Estate Attorney?

What are the Duties of a Real Estate Attorney?

Real estate transactions are often extremely complex and they require specialized knowledge, not only of the real estate market, but of law as well. While there may be some temptation to cut corners and save money on legal services, real estate lawyers are professionals and their careers are built on reputations. In most cases, retaining a real estate lawyer is the smart thing to do. more

Legal Questions About Buying a Foreclosure

Legal Questions About Buying a Foreclosure

Home buyers can get a great deal on real estate by purchasing a foreclosed property. Buying a foreclosure is full of many different legal implications, so it is important that prospective buyers work closely with their real estate agent, financial institution and attorney. more

About Subprime Mortgage Law

About Subprime Mortgage Law

After the mortgage meltdown in recent years past, the terms "subprime mortgage" and "law" were blended together out of a need. Since the crisis that impacted many individuals and families, the federal government expanded the preexisting mortgage laws to reference points related to subprime mortgages. more

How to Stop Foreclosure Due to Lender Fraud

How to Stop Foreclosure Due to Lender Fraud

The housing crisis is on most on many American’s minds. Many homeowners were offered loans and received a mortgage due to the fraudulent practices of what is being called “predatory lending.” Homeowners’ holders received loans that they might not have been able to qualify for due to creative lending procedures that due to lender fraud. If you are facing foreclosure due to lender fraud and predatory practices, there might be help for you. more

Do I Need a Foreclosure Lawyer?

Do I Need a Foreclosure Lawyer?

The threat of a foreclosure on your home throws a curveball that wreaks havoc on your emotional state of mind. Some become physically weakened as well by the unwelcome news that they might become a homeless wandering about on the streets every day. This is hardly the time for you to begin a study course in how to be a lawyer to save your home. Hire a foreclosure lawyer specifically post-haste. more

How to Market a Real Estate Agent

How to Market a Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents need to do marketing in order to find clients that will buy or sell. Excellent marketing solutions need to be used for success to attract clients. There are many effective marketing methods that can be used to market a real estate agent. more

Where to Get an Estate Lawyer

Where to Get an Estate Lawyer

Estate law can be complicated. If you’re dealing with a situation with an estate that is confusing finding an estate lawyer will be necessary. They can help you draft papers, create contracts and carry out contracts. Finding them is just a matter of looking in the right places. more

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