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Winter - The rush and the Reality - Let Ragged Mountain Wireless help

 Winter -The Rush and the RealityBy PRISCILLA SIMPSONROCKPORT AND ROCKLAND (Dec 15):Winter - The rush and the realityBy PRISCILLA SIMPSONWinter - the exhilarating rush and satisfaction of slipping on ice and sometimes not falling; the earthy soothing scent of the neighbors’ wood fire; the crisp cauterizing burn of the frigid life sustaining air as it plows through your nose to your lungs; the fearless joy as you realize sailing through the air 10 feet off the ground that the steering gear of your sled has rusted sending you continually to the right and over the edge – AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY; the heart pounding terror of being crammed into a mob of shopping humanity as a short person whose head is not above the pack linked with the warm fuzzy pleasure of finding the perfect gift for that special someone. Winter prickles and pokes the senses and lets us know we are alive. The steady knock, knock, knocking of the woodpecker searching for food and life on the snow and ice covered tree (still adorned with the hanging swings and toys of summer) shatter the normal calm of morning and bring my own life into focus. I spontaneously smile for no reason and for all reasons. I’m driven to connect with the intoxicating magic of life. This interplay between the rush and reality of winter is challenging work - hence its irresistible appeal.The first joy of winter requires nurturing and work to maintain. Walkways must be shoveled; snow tires installed; boats covered; swings & hammocks put away; floats and docks hauled; moorings winterized; electronics updated for winter fun; skis waxed; skates sharpened; presents bought; festivities attended winter plans made; snow storms; ice storms; school closings; questions answered … Reality rears its’ head and dampens initial winter euphoria.We at Ragged Mountain Wireless want to help you with the reality of life and the holidays. We are staying open until 6pm Monday through Friday and are open on Saturday until 3pm.I think that we offer the perfect gift for family and personal friends…….. Memories. Wouldn’t your parents enjoy seeing your children’s’ or their own special moments when ever they wanted on TV? We can create a DVD from your pictures or transfer your old VHS home movies onto a DVD.Do you or someone on your shopping list want marine electronics? We offer low prices and ease in ordering your boat electronics. See us soon for delivery by Christmas.It can be a pain staying in touch with your children. Let us help you choose a cell phone plan that is right for you and them. No one wants to be stranded in the cold of winter without a way to call for help.Geocaching is a great way to spend time as a family. Let us help you with all of your geocaching gear and questions.The holidays are a great time to upgrade and maintain your computer. Let us help you build a custom new system or speed up your old one. Gift certificates for maintenance or setup make excellent stocking stuffers.We can even get you on line with high speed internet access through Great Works Internet.Don't run yourself ragged. Run on over to Ragged Mountain Wireless your one stop shop at 321 Commercial St. Rockport, Maine 230-1234 more

By Ragged Mountain Wireless,llc December 17, 2007


©2007 VillageSoupPirates, pirate speak, treasure, Ragged Mountain, Keep the light onBy PRISCILLA SIMPSONROCKPORT (May 16): On Motherrr’s Day, th' Crrrew o' Ragg'd Mountain Wirrreless went trrreasurrre huntin' on Ragg'd Mountain! Captain Morrrgan found th' coorrrdinates t' a rrreporrrtedly rrrich cache on line and we werrre off on ourrr adventurrre! It spy'd t' be a quic kie and easy come 'crrross, but Firrrst Mate Prrriscilla left th' prrroud vessel light on jus' in case!AdvertisementIt werrre bein' a comely day ferrr huntin' and explorrrin'! The bugs werrre manageable and it werrre bein' salty enough that tharrrth' physical activity o' th' hike kept th' body at th' perrrfect temperrraturrre…,! Nayt t' boot hot… not t' boot cold…, Just starrrboarrrd!Captain Morrrgan prrrogrrramm'd th' coorrrdinates o' th' trrreasurrre into th' GPS and gave th' unit t' Admirrral Peterrr (it werrre bein' his turrrn t' lead th' quest)! The Admirrral sailed, I mean drrrove t' th' prrroximate location indicat'd on th' map and we disembarrrked. The searrrch ferrr trrreasurrre werrre bein' on!Therrre werrre a few muggles in th' arrrea but not enough t' endangerrr th' hunt, and a bottle of rum! In fact th' muggles turrrn'd out t' be verrry useful. We werrre rrreconnoiterrrin' th' arrrea, spyin' ferrr th' best point t' access th' mountain. Up and down, and down and up th' sea we walk'd until a muggle point'd out a sign marrrkin' th' trrrailhead.The path werrre bein' fairrrly steep. My legs began complainin' shorrrtly afterrr we starrrt'd up. Captain Morgan and I both began complainin'. “Admirrral Peterrr, how in th' salty sea much furrrtherrr…, and a bottle of rum!? What in th' name o' Davy Jones does th' map say? Arrre ye surrre we haven’t pass'd it? Shouldn’t we turrrn herrre?” One o' th' benefits o' bein' crrrew be havin' some bilge rrrat t' blame otherrr than yerrrself, and a bottle of rum! The Admirrral lead well and continu'd seekin' th' trrreasurrre without havin' th' crrrew be hoblin' th' plan kie (th' mountain werrre bein' high walkin' a plan kie would not have been fun)!When we rrreach'd th' top th' views werrre a trrreasurrre in an o' themselves. The land cascadin' down and tumblin' into th' diamonds o' th' sea wit' prrrecious silverrr and golden sails dottin' th' rrrichness all frrram'd and supporrrt'd by th' blue topaz o' th' sky.Findin' th' literrral trrreasurrre pal'd in comparrrison, but it werrre bein' th' rrreason and catalyst ferrr th' quest.The cache contain'd all sorrrts o' trrrinkets and baubles. We chose a Trrravel Bug that tharrrbe on a mission o' it’s own. The bug wants t' visit as many Light Houses as possible. Its name be Keep th' Light On.Ferrr inforrrmation on Geocachin' visit ourrr web site at http://www.raggedmountainwireless.comTRANSLATION PIRATE SPEAK TO ENGLISHOn Mother’s Day, the Crew of Ragged Mountain Wireless went treasure hunting on Ragged Mountain. Captain Morgan found the coordinates to a reportedly rich cache on line and we were off on our adventure. It looked to be a quick and easy find, but First Mate Priscilla left the home light on just in case.It was a beautiful day for hunting and exploring. The bugs were manageable and it was cool enough that the physical activity of the hike kept the body at the perfect temperature…. Not too hot… not too cold…. Just right.Captain Morgan programmed the coordinates of the treasure into the GPS and gave the unit to Admiral Peter (it was his turn to lead the quest). The Admiral sailed, I mean drove to the proximate location indicated on the map and we disembarked. The search for treasure was on.There were a few muggles in the area but not enough to endanger the hunt. In fact the muggles turned out to be very useful. We were reconnoitering the area, looking for the best point to access the mountain. Up and down, and down and up the road we walked until a muggle pointed out a sign marking the trailhead.The path was fairly steep. My legs began complaining shortly after we started up. Captain Morgan and I both began complaining. “Admiral Peter, how much further….? What does the map say? Are you sure we haven’t passed it? Shouldn’t we turn here?” One of the benefits of being crew is having someone to blame other than yourself. The Admiral lead well and continued seeking the treasure without having the crew walk the plank (the mountain was high walking a plank would not have been fun).When we reached the top the views were a treasure in an of themselves. The land cascading down and tumbling into the diamonds of the sea with precious silver and golden sails dotting the richness all framed and supported by the blue topaz of the sky.Finding the literal treasure paled in comparison, but it was the reason and catalyst for the quest.The cache contained all sorts of trinkets and baubles. We chose a Travel Bug that is on a mission of it’s own. The bug wants to visit as many Light Houses as possible. Its name is Keep the Light On.For information on Geocaching visit our web site at http://www.raggedmountainwireless.comCaptain Daniel, Admiral Peter, and cabin dog Hiram(Photo by Priscilla Simpson)Hiram navigating(Photo by Priscilla Simpson)A treasure(Photo by Peter Simpson)the hawk(Photo by Peter Simpson)more treasure... pictures don't do it justice. you have to see to believe(Photo by Peter Simpson) more

By Ragged Mountain Wireless,llc May 16, 2007

Paying the devil

Monday, April 09, 2007 paying the devil The Devil to Pay - a picture ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Geno Scalzo is at Rockport Marine today caulking a new deck on an old wooden boat. Geno has the devil to pay, but he's use to it. I knew he was here before I saw him. A distinctive, repetitive, resounding twang announced his presence. Watching him work draws you centuries back in time. He swings a mallet that hits an iron that rings as it drives the fiber into the seam between planks and rebounds for the next swoosh… back down to the iron. Caulking is an ancient profession whose tools, methods and importance are little touched by time. All is today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow The Wikipedia defines caulking as "a process used to seal the seams of wooden boats or ships, … in order to make them watertight, or close up crevices..". Effective caulking of a vessel is critical to keeping her afloat. Caulking is the precursor to paying the seams (filling the seam with a waterproof tar or tar like substance) and actually making them watertight. The most difficult and dangerous seem to caulk and pay on the old large sailing ships became know as the devil seam or devil. This seam has traditionally been acknowledged as being between the lowest plank on the hull and the keel. When the ship was careened over for caulking/paying the caulker was between the devil and the deep blue sea. Sometimes we all feel that way but Geno does it on a daily basis. ..:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> more

By Ragged Mountain Wireless,llc April 27, 2007

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