Top Women's Health Companies in Wichita, KS 67211

Mark Bowles is located at 2610 North Woodlawn Blvd., Wichita, KS. This business specializes in Women's Health.Read More…
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A women's health practice serving the Greater Wichita, KS. area.Read More…
Nader Rabie is located at 551 North Hillside Avenue, Wichita, KS. This business specializes in Doctors & Clinics and Women's Health.Read More…
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Reliv International. TargetedSolutions4U - Independent Distributor


By Caprock Custom Software

Vickie is a great resource for people who want to learn more about Reliv's extensive line of health products! I learned so much in just my first brief conversation with her that I would recommend that anyone who is even just curious about Reliv to give her a call! She will pinpoint a specific solution that is tailored to your needs! more

Reliv International. TargetedSolutions4U - Independent Distributor


By Colette Baptista

Wow! If you have met Vickie yet you are missing out on a wonderful person who will really care about your health and nutritional issues. Vivkie knows her product and what it can do to help you improve your life through nutrition. We all really are only as good as what we put into our body so if you have any health issues you owe it to yourself to ask Vickie how her nutrition products can improve your life. Vickie will listen, make suggestions and then let you decide. I highly reccommend you give her a call. more

Reliv International. TargetedSolutions4U - Independent Distributor


By Gina Rice

Vickie was wonderful to work with! She is extremely knowledgeable about health problems, and I found her very easy to talk with. We discussed my health issues, and she immediately knew what product I needed to make my health issues go away, or get better. I also had some friends that she was able to help with their health issues - like restless leg. I highly recommend Vickie with Reliv International. more

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Skip the New Year's Resolution ... What? Reliv International, Independent Distributor, Says Skip the New Years's Resolution ... What? Yes, you heard me.  Skip the New Year's Resolution.  Why set yourself up to fail.  By the third week in January the fitness centers become quiet, diets fail, that once brilliant idea to loose a be-gillion pounds on New Year's Eve now seems unattainable!  Right? Why be so hard on yourself?  Setting yourself up for failure is not a positive approach for success!  True?  So, SKIP IT!  Give yourself permission to quit.   Give yourself permission to WIN.  How?  Try A New Approach!  Are you READY to make a Difference in your life? Start with a new perspective. Think differently.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can .... Well, hmmmm, you think that was written to help you fail?  Remember This - You are the best at being YOU!  No one can do this better than you!  You are the expert, so act like it!  Nobody can do YOU better than YOU.  The best they can do is imitate YOU. Make a point of finding something about you that you like.  Compliment yourself.  Most people do not like themselves very much - thus "self-esteem issues".  Learn what you like about yourself. A little bit every day.  If you are looking to get healthy, maybe you could add a little more activity to your daily routine - what ever that means. If it means to Get Up OFF of The Couch and change the channels - rather that use the remote. Okay. That is more than you did yesterday! Right? Then continue to change it up a little more each day.  Get creative!  Maybe walk around your furniture during a commercial.   If you are working on trying to be more positive - then hang around positive people!  Read positive information. Watch positive people on TV and etc.  Make it a point to find the positive. The whole point is forget the calendar date.  If you concentrate on being someone you want to hang around, you will always be in good company. While you are doing this -  If you concentrate on helping others... you will have made a dent in the world -  To make a difference in the world - you must be different! Oh, while I am thinking about it "On the horizon..." Stay tuned.  We we will be launching a new product Feb 3, 2011!  A product for everyone! It is so secret - we don't even know what it is yet. How exciting .....  So, If you are looking to make a difference in your life - We need to talk....  Vickie Nevins more

By Reliv International. TargetedSolutions4U - Independent Distributor January 24, 2011

TargetedSolutions4U - GET UP OFF OF THAT COUCH in 2011

TargetedSolutions4U - GET UP OFF OF THAT COUCH REALLY - OFF OF THE COUCH? Yes - our 2011 Campaign - of Get Up Off Of That Couch Focuses primarily on helping the individual increase their activity, improve their health, or assist with any focus on any specific wellness emphasis you are seeking.  That varies greatly for each individual. What We Are Offering YOU Complimentary - No Obligation Consultations We want to help you discover new levels of optimal health this year - what ever that may be for you.  We will focus on your goals or if you need help - we will help you define those goals. Goal Identification - Coaching - Mentoring - Accountability -&- Celebration  INTRODUCTORY OFFER - Get a Free Blender Wisk - Shaker Bottle with the purchase of any Nutritional Program in the Month of January 2011(first time customers only)  It's no accident that Healthy Weight Week is celebrated during the third week of January each year. Traditionally, people start a diet and exercise program in the first week of the New Year, falter in the second week, and settle back into old habits in the third week.   Sound Familiar? Ready to BE DIFFERENT This Year? We at TargetedSolutions4U  hope to teach you a healthier approach to nutrition and how to integrate these solutions into your current lifestyle - which we feel will help individuals stay on course and adopt a new attitude toward their weight and their overall health in general. Everyone should know that there is no one, magic formula to calculate "healthy weight." Factors such as height, age and gender, as well as activity level, all help to determine a target weight for each person. "The important thing to understand, and accept, is that the key to reaching a healthy weight is not radical dieting," said Dr. Hastings. "If you eat a variety of the right kinds of foods every day, eat only when you are hungry, make regular physical activity a part of your life, and learn to accept and respect your own appearance, your body will reach and maintain its own 'healthy weight.'" Dr. Hastings offers the following guidelines to achieving a healthy, diet-free lifestyle: Get real: Stop dieting and focus on normalizing your eating habits. Follow a regular schedule for eating, with three meals and one or two snacks a day to keep hunger at bay.Drink plenty of water: It's easy to mistake thirst for hunger. Reach for a glass of water before you reach for a snack. Be adventurous: Enjoy foods from all five food groups -- grains; fruits; vegetables; meat, fish and beans; and dairy -- to help meet your body's nutritional and energy needs. Enjoy the rainbow of variety that fresh fruits and vegetables offer and learn to like new foods. Pay attention: Savor the food you eat. Enjoy it the way you would enjoy a conversation with a friend. And then listen to your body to learn to recognize inner signals of hunger and fullness. Train your taste buds: If you consistently select foods that are moderate in fat, sugars and salt, your taste will evolve to expect -- and enjoy -- these tastes. If some foods taste too good to do without, eat them in moderation. "The results from putting these healthy eating habits in place may not be as dramatic as the results you see from the latest fad diet," said Hastings. "But the benefits will be lasting and the effects will have an impact on more than your clothing size. Combined with a thoughtful program of nutritional supplementation, this sensible approach to eating will help you maintain your health, increase your energy and add to your enjoyment of everyday activities." He recommends that local residents consult with a nutritional specialist, such as ourselves at TargetedSolutions4U, before adding any supplements to their routine. Learn more about essential daily nutrition and weight loss products, along with items focused on heart health, joint health, digestive health and blood-sugar management. With a business opportunity that gives people control over their lives, Reliv International provides its independent distributors with the tools and incentives they need to build a lifelong career. For more information about Reliv International products or business opportunity, give us a call at 316-390-6728 or 316-587-7403 or email us at GET UP OFF OF THAT COUCH - START LIVING TODAY What are you WEIGHTING FOR? 316-390-6728 more

By Reliv International. TargetedSolutions4U - Independent Distributor January 22, 2011

Post Pleasure Boot Camp Recap - Unleashing the Diva Within

This last weekend, I had an AMAZING adventure.While most were celebrating the Fourth with Fireworks and Cookouts... I opted for a mountain retreat in the Berkshires of Massachusettes - surrounded by 80 vibrant women - all focused on ONE THING. Embracing and Unleashing Pleasure.As you can imagine, it was SPECTACULAR!And needless to say, it is certainly changing MY outlook on my personal and professional relationships... so if you catch me running around with a HUGE CHESHIRE GRIN on my face... let me fill you in on a few "Pleasure Principles" that every woman needs to know and incorporate into her daily life. Why? To unleash that inner goddess that has been desiring to come out and play for so MANY years...Pleasure Principles for Sister Goddesses in Training:1. Decide that wherever you are is THE RIGHT place to be. Not the "When I have...." or the "Once I..." Right here. Right now. You ARE exactly where you are supposed to be. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading THIS blog. Something brought you here to this time and place... and this moment. The Universe is conspiring with you... what are you going to DO about it?!2. Love your flesh. I challenge you to smile at yourself in the bathroom mirror... and give yourself a wink and a "Hey Gorgeous!" Admire YOUR unique beauty. Focus on just your assets. You are beautiful, complex and creative... you should be honored as such.3. Take your daily dose of fun. Pretend the walk to the copier is a Runway. Take spontaneous Dance Breaks just for fun. Surprise and Delight yourself every minute of every day. Relish in ALL the ornery capers your heart can devise!4. Expose what you truly feel. One of our biggest problems as women is that we don't know how to ASK for what we WANT. Our partners desire to thrill us... our gift is to express our desires and allow others the opportunity to fulfill those cravings. Appreciation and Gratitude are gifts that we should be bestowing constantly - Because when a woman can express what turns her light ON - we are truly tuned-in - and our pleasure becomes virally contagious! How dare you keep all the fun to yourself?!5. Be responsible - Fulfill your desires. Have a Pleasure Party daily - engage each of your senses... savor the meal... smell the flowers... gaze into your lovers (or your own) reflection... relish the way silk feels on your skin... listen to your favorite music or the sound of birds chirping or water falling... Take time and the opportunity to delight in LIFE! It's a precious gift and is too valuable to be squandered constantly for work or tedious chores... Life is a BANQUET... and too many people are STARVING themselves! Eat up, Sister...6. Follow your Divine Intuition. Our DESIRES are precious gifts from the Divine. They were placed within us for a reason and purpose... otherwise, we wouldn't have them... Desire is your roadmap to Pleasure. I dare you to follow Desire unabashedly for a day... a week... a month. Watch how you inspire yourself and those around you. This isn't an accident - It's Divine Intervention. With the Utmost Pleasure! Julie more

By Slumber Parties By Julie July 07, 2009

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