Top Family Assistance Services in Pratt, KS 67124

The BBBS office is located in the Senior Center in the old Dillons building.Read More…

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Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) has developed a new program in the Pratt area called "Bigs In Schools" during the 2007-2008 school year. BBBS is committed to partnering with the school districs to assist students in improving grades, achievement, and overall academic skills. This program has also seen success in raising self-esteem and improving classroom behavior while discouraging violence, delinquency, and disruptive behaviors. All of this is possible by and through caring one-to-one mentoring relationships. Bigs In Schools is not a classroom program, and it is not tutoring. School-Based Mentoring is one-to-one mentoring that takes place in the schools. Of course, some students do talk with their mentors about class, or do homework, or read together, but it is really all about friendship and guidance. Most mentors find it easy to spend time with their Little Brother or Little Sister during the lunch hour. Special training or certification is not necessary. If you can spend one hour a week, arranged around your needs and the school's schedule, you may be able to start participating in the Bigs In School program this fall! To be eligible to become a mentor, you must be at least 16 years of age and willing to give a child the commitment of one school year. Mentors and students are interviewed by a BBBS employee then matched according to similar interests. Grade level and personality preferences are strongly considered, as are convenient meeting times and school location. It’s amazing to see how much of a difference just one hour a week can make in the life of a child. Just knowing you care enough to come once a week makes kids feel special, and the mentoring you provide helps boost their self-confidence. Kids who experience School-Based Mentoring even do better in class! Research shows the following about Kansas BBBS students: 89% reported improved grades 81% reported increase in self-confidence 71% reported improved student attitude Big Brothers Big Sisters is always looking for volunteers from all walks of life, from high school juniors and seniors to business professional to senior citizens. Being a Big Brother is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. You know how to play board games, talk about sports and go to recess — so what are you waiting for? Volunteer now! It really is that simple. For more information, please contact Jessica Lanning, Executive Director for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Pratt, Barber, Kingman, and Harper Counties at 620-933-2265 more

By Big Brothers Big Sisters August 27, 2007

"Big" Hearts Needed

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) is looking for volunteers from all walks of life, from high school juniors and seniors to business professional and senior citizens to help mentor youth in the Pratt Community. BBBS helps boys and girls, most of whom are considered at-risk and live in single-parent homes, achieve their full potential through long-term personal relationships with carefully screened and caring volunteers. To be eligible to become a mentor, you must be at least 16 years of age and willing to give a child the commitment of one year. Faith-based matches are available. Being a Big Brother or Big Sister is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. It doesn’t require a special occasion or expensive activities; just a few hours every month sharing simple things you already enjoy with a young person. Things like…. So what are you waiting for? Volunteer now! It really is that simple. For more information, please contact Jessica Lanning, Executive Director for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Pratt, Barber, Kingman, and Harper Counties at 620-933-2265 more

By Big Brothers Big Sisters August 27, 2007

Where do you need Family Assistance Services ?