Top Social Services in Emporia, KS 66801

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Lyon County Health Department


By Anonymous

I at the time couldn't afford to go anywhere else and I was sick and had no control over my body. I was told the first time there was nothing wrong with me. I was to young for any of these problems. She then tells me lose weight and put on a knee brace. I filled a complaint and they switched me to someone different. I was never taken serious and never properly looked over. They never pulled my medical record from another state and passed me around. They documented that it was my fault and I was switching doctors to much plus refused treatment. I never refused treatment and how hard would it have been to pull my record? Not to mention employees going in maternity leave is not my fault. I would get papers in the mail from them stating that many things were gone over during my visit and I agreed when none of it was ever talked about. They left me sick for 3 years and in a lot of pain. They did nothing to help me. I finally get referred to a specialist who ran the same test and many more and found what I said all along. I believe it was always there they just didn't care or was covering up. Who knows. I now have insurance and other options. My point they never listen. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone ever! more

The Farm Inc


By Anonymous

I thought i would do a good thing, & take in a kid from state custody. I have never been in trouble, & never had any problems with kids. Yet, TFI treated me as if I was a criminal. I had to waste almost a year trying to prove myself to them. Proving myself, to a place that doesnt even take care of kids in their care! They do not tell you about the problems that the kids have, & if they do they down play them into "typical teenagers". Starting fires, getting someone in trouble, being in state custody; not typical teenagers!.But thats their answer for everything. When problems arise, they have quick short answers for it all, that are no help. They are inexperienced with the things they try to handle yet they try to act like they know everything & act like no one that they talk to knows anything. They have not been through things, & a lot of the people that go through there have, & know a lot more than TFI does about it. If they would actually try, they could do some good, but they dont more

The Farm Inc


By Anonymous

I know of a child that TFI was "helping". The kid has behavior problems, disabilities, etc. Yet, instead of putting this kid somewhere for help, they tried to find anywhere else to place them, as in a regular household. Exactly the kind of place that couldnt handle them before. They seem to be more interested in pawning a kid off than actually doing anything to help.While in TFI's care, the kids immunizations & meds were not kept up to date as required.They dont care about following laws & regulations, & even say so. The workers there make big mistakes, & then make the clients have to do things over because of it. more

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