
Blogs from Pest Exterminators in Livermore, CA

California Pest Control for Office Buildings

Do you need a Sacramento pest control team to clear your office of flies, rats, roaches, or other pesky bugs? Read entire article here: Keeping Your Sacramento Office Pest Free ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination May 29, 2013

Hospital Pest Control: Common Pests and Health Risks

Bay Area pest extermination for hospitals is serious business. Vermin, rats, bugs, flies and other nasties can serve as vectors that can cause viruses and bacteria to flourish at your hospital and sicken not only patients but also caregivers and staff. Even the most “ship shape” hospitals can easily become breeding grounds for pests. Read whole article here: Hospital Pest Control: Common Pests and Health Risks ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination May 20, 2013

Bay Area Pest Exterminators on Ants Vs. Termites

To the untrained eye, these pesky insects can look remarkably similar. Flying ants looks spookily like termite swarmers. While you want neither type of yucky bombardier in your home or restaurant, there’s a huge difference between flying ants and swarmers. Ants are disgusting and freaky. But swarming termites can literally chew your home or building to pieces and create structural hazards.  Read entire article here: Bay Area Pest Exterminators on Ants Vs. Termites ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination April 29, 2013

Bed Bugs Infesting Your San Francisco Bay Area Hotel?

The San Francisco pest control team at MatrixPE empathizes with the plight of Bay Area hotel owners. Even if you have systems to keep your facility spotless and comfortable; horrible, yucky pests, bugs, mice and other creatures can turn your well-kept paradise into a nightmare zone and earn your hotel decidedly non-sympathetic reviews on Yelp and other social rating websites.  Read entire article here: Bed Bugs Infesting Your San Francisco Bay Area Hotel? ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination April 15, 2013

We love getting testimonials like this one!

Matrix Pest Elimination has been servicing our 3 Restaurants in Sunnyvale, Morgan Hill and San Jose for almost a year. We are very happy with their quality of service as well as their professionalism. They respond quickly and are very neat and clean. I would recommend them for regular maintenance of any business... See more here: San Jose Restaurant Testimonial ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination March 27, 2013

Pest Control 101 for Restaurants: Why Worry So Much about Rodents?

A single rodent sighting can have a horrific ripple effect on your brand’s popularity. Imagine a customer spots a “furry little friend” scurrying across a booth. Read the full article here: Pest Control 101 for Restaurants: Why Worry So Much about Rodents? ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination March 21, 2013

MatrixPE for Hollywood Pest Control for Restaurant bug Extermination

Some of the most panicked calls that Hollywood exterminators receive, are from restaurant owners. Hollywood and the Los Angeles areas are not immune from getting bugged by pest. The demand for best control services in Hollywood rises around this time a year as it starts to warm up outside. Read the entire article: Call MatrixPE for Hollywood Pest Control for Restaurant bug Extermination ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination March 14, 2013

Bugs to Love? Pests Not to Keep Away From Your Sacramento Home

You have had just about enough of the mosquitoes, spiders, and other bugs infesting your home or place of business. You want a San Francisco pest control company to figure out what’s going on and deal with it, stat.  But hold on a second. Not all bugs should be eliminated! Read the whole article: Bugs to Love? Pests Not to Keep Away From Your Sacramento Home ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination February 28, 2013

Valentine’s Flowers Inspected for Pests

If you’re experiencing problems with pest control, take heart: you’re not alone. The United States Customs and Border Protection Service processes over 800 million flower stems for pests every year. A shockingly high number of these stems harbors insects and pests from abroad, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other unwanted and disgusting stuff. Read the entire article: Valentine’s Flowers Inspected for Pests ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination February 18, 2013

Starting the New Year Pest Free in 2013

Whether you run a Bay Area eatery or own a home in San Jose, in an ideal world, you̢۪d like your 2013 to be as pest free as possible. Who needs mosquitoes nipping at your kids while they sleep, ticks infesting your pets, carpenter ants dancing on your wood floors, and mice and other nasties burrowing through your walls and spreading disease? No one does! Read the entire article: Starting the New Year Pest Free in 2013 ...read more

By Matrix Pest Elimination January 31, 2013

EcoFirst Pest Control Customers Are Speaking Out

These testimonials are from satisfied EcoFirst Pest Control customers. See what is being said about the most environmentally responsible solutions and progressive pest protection in the industry to keep pests out of your home. I'm so pleased with your EcoFirst Pest Control service. I haven't seen one ant since you sprayed the 1st time. We've never had such great service. Thanks! Kibbie, Livermore, CA EcoFirst Pest Control technician Chad was very good. And took the time to do a complete job! Thank you. - David, Woodinville, WA EcoFirst Pest Control technician Dan Morris came by yesterday morning to spray for bugs. Kudos to him! He did a wonderful job of treating areas that I've had problems with. Just wanted to put in a good word for him. Mac&Kim;, Livermore, CA EcoFirst Pest Control customer Neelu in Freemont, California called to let us know how happy she was with the backyard service Dan has done for her home. She had forgotten about the scheduled appointment and was at work when he got there. She asked if he could wait around 15-20 minutes for her to get home to unlock the gates. Dan completed the service and she was very impressed at the service Dan had done. Neelu, Freemont, CA I have to say that your EcoFirst Pest Control technician today, Dan Morris, did a great job. I wanted to say he was very patient with me when I changed my mind on things. - Micki&Mike Please forward this to the EcoFirst Pest Control management.    I would like to take a moment to recognize your EcoFirst Pest Control employee, Alex Whitlock. As a professional, I work with numerous vendors and companies.  An unfortunate and obvious trend is the steady erosion of customer support and professionalism.  The dramatic drop of support, knowledge and ownership is shocking and no one seems to take a personal interest in the well being of their customers.     EcoFirst's Alex Whitlock is a refreshing "throwback" to the days where vendors did whatever it takes to complete the job properly for a customer. Alex educated me on the history of EcoFirst Pest Control, reviewed the products and services, made helpful recommendations and was extremely kind and professional.  Such personal level of service, dedication and flexibility is highly unusual in today's environment.    Please extend my gratitude for the outstanding customer service I received from Alex Whitlock, last week.  Please feel free to use me a reference as I can attest that EcoFirst Pest Control is one of the best I have encountered.    Sincerely, Liz, Pleasanton, CA ...read more

By EcoFirst Pest Control August 13, 2010

EcoFirst Pest Control Keeps Unwanted Ants Out

Ants are tiny invaders can slip through the most minute fissures in walls and floors. And even the neatest of homes are not safe from them.  They crawl on floors, counters or walls to seek out food.  The can spoil an entire pantry's worth of food if left unchecked for very long.  In addition to causing food spoilage, some ants can deliver a painful bite, especially if their nest is threatened. Nests are typically built under grassy areas like your lawn, but they can be built under patios as well.  Some ants may even nest within walls.  Foragers seek out food sources, particularly sweet substances.  They may forage for up to 700 feet from their nest.  So even if you keep your yard free of ant hills, you could have visitors from blocks away. EcoFirst Pest Controlcan help you get ants under control no matter how far they've travelled.  Where you see one ant, more will surely follow.  Foraging ants lay down invisible chemical scent trails for other ants to follow.  One or two ants can turn into a steady trail very quickly.  Even more disturbing than seeing a typical ant on a counter top is seeing the emergence of "flying" or winged ants.  This can happen on hot summer days.  If it happens inside your home it will send the human inhabitants flying out the door. Prevention is the best way to keep ants out.  Seal off any access points, eliminate food sources and wipe out any trails with soap and water or a commercial cleaning spray.  Homeowners do have ways of dealing with their own ant problems.  Each has its own pros and cons.  Some are easier to use and others are more effective.  Sprays Aerosolsprays are the first thing most homeowners grab when they see ants.  Sprays will take care of a few foragers but a larger infestation should be handled by a professional pest control company like EcoFirst Pest Control. Sprays also will go everywhere and on everything around the area that you are spraying, which is not great for your home's environment. Dusts Insecticidal dusts can be "puffed" into crevices and cracks where ants are entering.  They can be messy to apply and may rise away with rain or irrigation spray.  However, they are effective in killing ants that are exposed to the dust. Baits Ant baits are very effective destroying a nest.  The catch is that you must allow the ants to eat the bait and carry it back to their nest in order for bait to work.  This is fine for exterior applications but it is harder to deal with inside your house. Professionals If you have an infestation you should call for the help of a professional.  EcoFirst Pest Control can treat your ant problem now and make sure they do not return.  They have effective family-friendly, pet-friendly, minimal toxicity methods of eradicating ants and other pests while keeping you and your family and pets safe. ...read more

By EcoFirst Pest Control August 13, 2010

EcoFirst Pest Control Gives You What You Want and Need

The idea alone that you have pests in your home can be a nerve-wracking experience, and many people make the mistake of being in such a hurry to get rid of their pests that they call the wrong pest control company. People will grab the phonebook or look on the internet and pick the company who can be at their home the soonest. Before you hire a pest control company, make sure that you know what type of company you want and need. Look toEcoFirst Pest Control. The first thing that you should ensure when hiring a pest control company is that they're reliable. You don't want to hire someone who says that they'll be there on a specific day only to have to reschedule, and then to have to reschedule again, and again, leaving you with the pests that you hate. Make sure that any company that you hire has well trained and reliable technicians. Some find that the company that they hire is not qualified to take care of the types of pests that they have, leaving them even more frustrated, and, even worse, out of money. It's also extremely important that you ask about the types of chemicals that will be used in your home. Some companies use verytoxic chemicalsthat aren't good for anyone, pet or human, and that can leave residue on your items for a very long time. Other companies, however, use environmentally-responsible products that can help you to get rid of pests without having to deal with toxic residue. Make sure, before you hire anyone, that you know exactly what type of products they will be using in your home, so that you can rest comfortably knowing exactly what was in your house when the pests were being gotten rid of. When you're looking for a pest control company, don't hire the first one you see, hire a company that is qualified to handle the type of pests that you have, one that is reliable, and one that uses the type of products that you're comfortable being around. EcoFirst Pest control is one that many people look to hire due to their reliability, products, and expert knowledge, have carefully trained professionals that know which products to use and exactly where to look for pests.  EcoFirst Pest Control uses products that are environmentally-responsible, keeping you and your family safe from unwanted fumes and poisons. ...read more

By EcoFirst Pest Control July 28, 2010

Having Pets Does Not Mean Having Pest Problems With EcoFirst

Owning pets can be a very wonderful thing. They are there for us on days that we are down, and they're always ready to lend an ear when we need it. Some dogs are so protective of their owners that they're ready to lay down their lives, if need be, to keep their owner safe. While we love our pets and do everything that we can to keep them healthy, there are times when things that they do may not keep us healthy, and one of those things is bringing pests into our homes. You can be sure to guard your home against pests withEcoFirst Pest Control. Summer Pests and Pets During the winter most animals tend to stay indoors. Cats hesitate to put their delicate and dainty paws out on the cold ground, and dogs like to stay inside where it's warm. During the summer months, however, most pets like nothing better than to run and play in the green grass and woods. But the grass and the woods arenotorious for hiding one thing: pests. People who have pets who go out in the summer months are often horrified to find that they are unexpectedly dealing with an infestation of pests, like fleas. Fleas are tiny little bugs that seem harmless, but that really aren't. Fleassurvive on blood. They find a host and they live off of the host, sucking blood and then, later, laying eggs so that more fleas can emerge. The lifecycle of the flea is definitely strange, as the female flea can lay over fifty eggs per day, and can continue to do so for months. The eggs turn into larva very quickly and then the larva turns into a cocoon. The flea can then emerge from the cocoon anywhere from three to five days or many months, depending on the environment that the flea is in. So what does this mean to the average homeowner? It means that no matter how hard you try to keep fleas off of your pets, the chance that the fleas, and flea eggs, larva, and pupa, are still in your home is pretty good. That's why so many pet owners find that they're still dealing with fleas months after they've treated their pets. The eggs that were laid by the adult fleas may not have hatched yet. So how do you get rid of fleas when they've got such an erratic life cycle? One of the best ways is to get a little help. EcoFirst Pest Control can help you to get control of almost any pest population in your home, even that of fleas. Their experts know all about the lifecycle of the flea and how to break that cycle. They have special products, even botanical, toxic-free products that are designed to kill the fleas no matter what stage of the lifecycle they're in. This means that once the pets are treated, and the home is treated by EcoFirst Pest Control, the fleas you had will be history.*Cat flea photo from Wikipedia ...read more

By EcoFirst Pest Control July 28, 2010

EcoFirst Pest Control Keeps Your Home of Free of Summer Pests

During the long winter months we reminisce about the hot summer months, and how it was easy to warm up and to enjoy the heat from the sun. Though one thing that we often don't think about, is the humidity that comes along with summer. Summer months can bring a wealth of humidity, especially if you live somewhere near the east coast or in an area that is known for having high humidity. When the humidity gets too high it can feel like you're drinking air, but it can also be bad for people who don't like to have pests in their homes. If you've ever learned about the lifecycle of mosquitoes, then you've learned about how some insects and pests can thrive in wet conditions. There are three things that pests need in order to thrive in your house: shelter, idealclimate conditions, and food. Insects who thrive in high moisture levels absolutely love the summer months when the humidity is high, as it gives them the perfect conditions to live in. If you have a basement, a quicksearch of it will likely introduce you to a number of different types of bugs, who have decided that your basement has the perfect moisture level to thrive in.  EcoFirst Pest Controlcan help rid your house of pests you have and keep anymore from invading. We always teach children not to leave food laying around, as it can be an open invitation for ants and other bugs to move in. What we also need to learn is that moisture is just as bad as leaving an open bag of chips out on the ground. If you were to throw a damp towel on the floor, for instance, and to leave it there for a week, chances are pretty high that you'd remove the towel only to discover tons of bugs living under it. So what can you do about having too much moisture in your home? If you get a great deal of humidity, investing in a dehumidifier is a great idea. If you've already become infested with bugs, hire a progressive pest control company like EcoFirst Pest Control to get rid of the pests that you currently have. EcoFirst uses botanical pest solutions that don't harm lawns or leave unpleasant odors.  Family, pets, lawns, and gardens will all stay safe while EcoFirst makes sure pests stay away from your home.  Next you should do to rid your house of summer moisture is to use adehumidifier. This gets rid of any moisture and creepy crawlies who have taken a liking to your house and helps to prevent new ones from finding the ideal living conditions in your home, which is definitely something that you do not want. ...read more

By EcoFirst Pest Control July 28, 2010

Recent Reviews View all

Alterra Pest Control


By Anonymous

Bryce came to take service our yard and we were very pleased for many reasons. As well as being very thorough, taking care of our ant problem, Bryce was pleasant and courteous. He also took time to answer my questions and explain his process. ...read more

Alterra Pest Control


By StanH1

I have been very pleased thus far with my bug company, Alterra! The sales person and technician were very nice and professional. I hope they keep up the good work! ...read more

EcoFirst Pest Control


By Sara Atwood

I just had Jason come out for my initial service today and I'm completely satisfied. Jason was very professional, knowledgeable, patient, nice to my kids, and respectful to me and my house. Then came Ariel he was working on a house across the street and was done then came and helped out Jason all in all both Jason and Ariel are great team players. I wish I had a team like that working for me. As for the sales man J.k was very nice and great at what he does. All in all I'm satisfied and looking forward to seeing the progress of my issue with mice. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to keeping your customer happy and satisfied. If anyone is going to try them out in Antioch I recommend having Jason do your service. ...read more

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