For businesses in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, the ability to employ Internet marketing to generate additional leads mirrors what is happening in the industry in general.

Is Internet Marketing Advertising Replacing Traditional Advertising?

Based on the number of newspapers and magazines that have gone out of business over the past 18-24 months, it would appear so. While there will probably always be a small percentage of people who will not change their habits, many people are finding the web to be more convenient for media consumption. By spending less than 10% of their ad dollars online, local businesses are missing the opportunity to reach consumers where they spend 50% of their time.In the current business environment, traditional methods of advertising are not working and are proving to be a waste of money. Web marketing allows you to reach not only local customers, but global customers as well. With the Internet now in widespread use throughout the world, today's consumer is very comfortable shopping online. 

What Internet Marketing Strategies are You Using?

A company without an Internet marketing strategy is like putting a sign up advertising your business in the middle of a forest. It could be the world's greatest offer, but no one is going to find it! The Internet is not going away and the businesses that are finding success today are those that use a mix of Internet marketing strategies to beat the competition.In order to stand out from the competition, a company today needs to combine a website with an effective web marketingstrategy. Having your site ranked in search engines for effective keyword phrases will lead customers to your website, generating website targeted traffic with very high conversion rates. Ranking in search engines is the most effective way of attracting new customers to your website.
WSI-More Profits helps businesses get found on the web. Whether it is managing an online advertising campaign for your business, providing blog content, or improving your search engine ranking, we can provide the expertise. Don't wait another minute to implement an effective Internet marketing strategy for your company. Call us today @ 413.770.7185 or visit us online @ for a free evaluation.