Hydraulics is a familiar topic for all. We know that, in hydraulics, power is transmitted using pressurized fluids and this is the method used in many heavy machineries. Recently, hydraulics have many applications from simple toys to robots and heavy machinery. But, what about the future of hydraulics? How long does it exist? It's time to raise this question.

In the past, the hydraulic industry was considered as a dying industry and nobody gave enough consideration for boosting it up. The main reason for this rejection was its drawbacks like safety and size of components. The safety in the hydraulic industry was a major concern. The accidents due to leakage of pipes and exposure to that environment reduced the interest of workers to work with this industry. Also, most of the hydraulic systems were heavy and difficult to handle. So, they always preferred small equipment that uses electrical power.


B ut now, the industry is coming back with a multitude of innovations, developments, and enhancements in its systems and applications. Different types of research were undergone to eliminate these drawbacks from hydraulic systems. And finally, they have succeeded in developing strong, robust and reliable hydraulic systems compared with other technologies. This made the industry to regain its strength.

The hydraulic industry is getting ready for industry 4.0 applications. A primary step for this had already been taken by Bosch Rexroth by integrating hydraulic actuators to digital control electronics to convert its functions into software. So, the future of the hydraulic industry will become brighter. There are many other reasons to say that the golden age of hydraulic industry is on the way. They are mentioned below.

At present, hydraulic technology is becoming more efficient, versatile, and precise due to its changing trends. Intelligent hydraulic systems are developed by integrating high-performance electronics and control software. Recently, self-monitoring systems are created by using high-performance sensors for reducing the burden of inspecting the system for maintenance.

In a basic hydraulics design, there will be pistons and a cylinder. Using these parts, a hydraulic system can lift heavy loads by applying a small force. Thus, it is clear that hydraulics has the highest power density compared with all other transmission modes at present.

Hydraulic fluids like oil, water, etc. are used in hydraulic systems for working. So, in the future, when electronics can't operate, liquids will exist to generate power.


In electrical and electronics equipment's we use metals. Sometimes in future, they may become precious because of the scarcity of those metals. But, hydraulics doesn't require such metals and thus hydraulics will become less expensive compared with other.

The hydraulic industry doesn't have a vast number of professionals, but what they have are experienced and qualified professionals. This industry offers competitive remuneration and many other benefits to their employees. So, a hydraulic job will be a secure and highly paid job.

Now, it is clear that hydraulics is a matured industry that is still undergoing through a process of modification. Thus, we can say that this industry won't get replenished soon.