Anybody who doesn’t have finances in their 2009 goals or resolutions? It isn’t as hard as you think to MAKE MORE MONEY!

Walk into work tomorrow morning and make a simple adjustment on your W-4 withholdings and immediately increase your take home income by potentially several hundred dollars a month!

If you’re like most people, you overpay the IRS every year so they have been sending you a tax refund every year. Sound familiar? And most people are so happy to receive a big fat check.

What is wrong with this picture?  A big refund means you gave Uncle Sam an interest free loan all year. Why would you want to give Uncle Sam an INTEREST FREE LOAN? Wouldn’t you rather earn interest on your own money or have access to that money to avoid paying interest on purchases financed because you didn’t have your income available due to the wonderful “forced savings” plan you have through the IRS? Don’t most savings plans include the option to earn interest?

It is crucial to understand the major difference between those who know the rules and those who don’t.

Most people…

1. Work

2. Pay taxes

3. Spend what’s left over (not much these days)

The financially informed…

1. Work or have money/people working for them

2. Spend and invest all they need to increase their net worth

3. Pay taxes on what is left over

The financially uninformed pay taxes FIRST, on the full amount they earn. The financially educated pay taxes LAST.

Educate yourself in regards to the rules. Here is the “secret” that more and more people know by experience

Start a home based business. Find something you are passionate about that allows you to make great resource for home based business ownersa profit from home. You will save money on gas, keep the highways cleaner and less crowded, save on child care, and legitimately enjoy the tax benefits the IRS extends to business owners.

Many people are simply unaware of the thousands of dollars they are losing every year by not having a home based business.  Once you understand the money that can be saved just by minimizing your number one expense in life, TAXES, it may be something to consider.

Most home based businesses are very inexpensive to start. Most range from about $100-$1000 unlike franchises which cost much more and has a far greater overhead. Of course do your due diligence to determine the best home based business that interests you. Be willing to invest your time, energy, and effort. A legitimate home based business is in business to produce a profit, not just take write-offs. This can be started on a part time basis as you continue your job and built up with consistent effort even if it starts out with fewer hours. With corporate America downsizing this is an opportune time to secure something for you. You may even like your new boss and be rewarded for what you are worth!

A write-off means the IRS allows for reimbursement for a portion or all of the cost you spent. Here are some expenses that can be write-offs…

  • your cell phone
  • your home phone
  • home gas/electric bills
  • dinners and entertainment
  • your gasoline
  • your car and related expenses
  • seminars
  • books, cd’s and other educational items
  • part of your mortgage or rent, office supplies, business trips and much more

Imagine what you would do with potentially an extra $3,000 to $6,000 a year in income? And that doesn’t include the income generated from the business itself. The $3,000 to $6000 represents possible tax savings alone! An extra $500 a month can make all the difference for many households in America. Happy New Year and make this your year to enjoy more of the fruit of your labors