Well now that we are past the holidays, its back to business!  Now is the time to start making plans for buying or selling a home.  If you're buying, you'll want to consider the April 30th deadline for the Tax Credit.  

Bringing the Dream of Homeownership Within Reach

As part of its plan to stimulate the U.S. housing market and addressthe economic challenges facing our nation, Congress has passed newlegislation that:

  • Extends the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit of up to $8,000 to first-time home buyers until April 30, 2010.
  • Expands the credit to grant up to $6,500 credit to current homeowners purchasing a new or existing home between November 7, 2009 andApril 30, 2010.

Here is more information about how the Extended Home Buyer TaxCredit can help prospective home buyers become part of the Americandream. If you have specific questions or need additionalinformation, please contact a tax professional or the Internal RevenueService at 800-829-1040.

You can also email or call me for more information!  I'm here to help.


