The question is whether or not Reality based MA can cut the mustard when compared to "Traditional Systems". Well, lets set the record straight. All martial arts practice can be broken into 2 main catagories..., Self Preservation, and Self Perfection. That's it. Your either training to perfect yourself or your training to protect yourself. But there is a lot of grey area as to who is doing what and which styles are the best. Some styles claim to do both but can they deliver? Now, there are three catagories for types of practice, they are, culteral fighting arts, combat sports, and self defense. Two of them deal with the first aspect of training, "self perfection", the last deals with "self preservation". In three thousand years of martial history, no single system has proven that it is "the best " in regards to self defense in a reality based situation. As far as i am concerened, the more "traditional" the system is.... the farther away from real fighting it is! What do you think?