SEE Marketing Houston reviews charitable opportunities within the community in Houston regularly and will be hosting a charity event at Racks Restaurant and Sports Bar in Houston on January 28, 2013. The Racks has opened its doors to SEE Marketing offering a hosting location as well as great drink and food deals for all those that attend.

The event will include a raffle, silent auction, as well as a pong tournament in which all proceeds from the event will be donated to Operation Smile. In October, 2012, SEE Marketing hosted a smaller poker tournament in which all proceeds of $540 were donated to the Operation Smile foundation. This event, SEE Marketing is hoping to double that donation.

For less the $240, Operation Smile is able to provide one child with both the surgery and necessary medical aftercare to fix their cleft lip or palate. In some third world countries, children with these deformities are considered outcasts and in some cases even shunned from their community. Here in the United States, cleft lips and palates are common occurrences that are immediately fixed, and rarely have and lasting repercussions. Being able to review a child for this surgery can dramatically alter their life and give them hope for the future.

The fundraising event will be open to the community and will be held at 5402 Highway 6 N Houston, TX.(281) 698-0550. Anyone interested in attending or donating please contact Sammy at for more information.

Also, for more information about our charitable activities or to get involved check out