Rince Go Halainn is excited to announce our first ever pub performance!
- We'll be performing at Napper Tandy's in Raleigh, NC on Sunday, June 12th at 6pm. It should be a great show as we're debuting our recital numbers at the event.Dance Attitude's End of Year Recital:- Our dancers are doing guest performances during both of Dance Attitude's recitals on Saturday, June 18th. Our preschoolers and youth dancers will be in the 2pm recital and our teens and adults will be in the 6:30pm recital. Both recitals are at Wakefield High School. Tickets are available through Dance Attitude and have been known to sell out in the past.
Ancient Order of Hibernians' Irish Music Festival:- We're once again slotted to perform at this great local festival. It's on Saturday, September 10th from 12-8pm. We'll be dancing mid-afternoon. The event is held at the Knights of Columbus pond and will have local Celtic bands, Renaissance Faire performances, and food/ beer!