Winter - The rush and the realityBy PRISCILLA SIMPSON

Winter - the exhilarating rush and satisfaction of slipping on ice and sometimes not falling; the earthy soothing scent of the neighbors’ wood fire; the crisp cauterizing burn of the frigid life sustaining air as it plows through your nose to your lungs; the fearless joy as you realize sailing through the air 10 feet off the ground that the steering gear of your sled has rusted sending you continually to the right and over the edge – AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY; the heart pounding terror of being crammed into a mob of shopping humanity as a short person whose head is not above the pack linked with the warm fuzzy pleasure of finding the perfect gift for that special someone. Winter prickles and pokes the senses and lets us know we are alive. The steady knock, knock, knocking of the woodpecker searching for food and life on the snow and ice covered tree (still adorned with the hanging swings and toys of summer) shatter the normal calm of morning and bring my own life into focus. I spontaneously smile for no reason and for all reasons. I’m driven to connect with the intoxicating magic of life. This interplay between the rush and reality of winter is challenging work - hence its irresistible appeal.

The first joy of winter requires nurturing and work to maintain. Walkways must be shoveled; snow tires installed; boats covered; swings & hammocks put away; floats and docks hauled; moorings winterized; electronics updated for winter fun; skis waxed; skates sharpened; presents bought; festivities attended winter plans made; snow storms; ice storms; school closings; questions answered … Reality rears its’ head and dampens initial winter euphoria.

We at Ragged Mountain Wireless want to help you with the reality of life and the holidays. We are staying open until 6pm Monday through Friday and are open on Saturday until 3pm.

I think that we offer the perfect gift for family and personal friends…….. Memories. Wouldn’t your parents enjoy seeing your children’s’ or their own special moments when ever they wanted on TV? We can create a DVD from your pictures or transfer your old VHS home movies onto a DVD.

Do you or someone on your shopping list want marine electronics? We offer low prices and ease in ordering your boat electronics. See us soon for delivery by Christmas.

It can be a pain staying in touch with your children. Let us help you choose a cell phone plan that is right for you and them. No one wants to be stranded in the cold of winter without a way to call for help.

Geocaching is a great way to spend time as a family. Let us help you with all of your geocaching gear and questions.

The holidays are a great time to upgrade and maintain your computer. Let us help you build a custom new system or speed up your old one. Gift certificates for maintenance or setup make excellent stocking stuffers.

We can even get you on line with high speed internet access through Great Works Internet.
Don't run yourself ragged. Run on over to Ragged Mountain Wireless your one stop shop at 321 Commercial St. Rockport, Maine 230-1234