Why have a Structural Pest Inspection?
A home is the most important investment people make during their lifetime. To assure homeowners that their investment is free from structural pests, many lenders and Realtors will recommend or may require that a structural pest inspector be hired to examine the residence in order to obtain financing.Who can perform a structural pest inspection?Through the efforts of industry and the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA), legislation was drafted to address WDO Inspections. House Bill 1156, passed by the 1991 Legislature, specifically required that the individual conducting WDO Inspections must obtain a license from WSDA. By law, the act of inspecting for pests, their signs, or conducive conditions requires one to be licensed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. In addition, structural pest inspectors must be bonded or insured and must use WSDA-issued Inspection Control Numbers. Property Inspector, LLC holds SPI license # 65027What is a Structural Pest Inspection?An inspection of a building for wood destroying organisms, their damage, or conditions conducive to their infestation. Wood destroying organisms include insects or fungi that will consume, excavate, develop in, or otherwise modify the integrity of wood or wood products. They include, but are not limited to, carpenter ants, moisture ants, subterranean termites, dampwood termites, beetles in the family Anobiidae, but the category of “pests” also include several other insects of less consequence. Wood destroying organisms are categorized as fungi (often times called “dry rot”), and there are several different types. READ MORE...