Many of our customers pack their own items to save money.
But packing breakable items should be done correctly.Make sure you use bubble wrap and foam peanuts to protect fragile items,and use enough peanuts to keep the items in place and not move around.Clothes or towels are not considered appropriate packing material for protecting fragile items.Improper packing can lead to a damage claim being denied.

How do you know if your item was packaged correctly? Answer this question: Can your box take a 3-foot drop without the contents breaking? As you pack your fragile and delicate items, remember that UPS and FedEx require fragile or delicate packaged items to withstand a 3-foot fall without getting damaged. Your box will be handled by a group of workers handling tens of thousands of packages of all sizes. Through the course of a shipment, each box will likely be dropped at least once. Double-boxing delicate items is common-practice among professional shippers.

Remember: When shipping fragile or delicate items,
take time to package the items appropriately. Use a strong box and make sure you use enough bubble wrap and peanuts. Even if you purchase additional insurance through UPS or FedEx, skimping on packaging material can lead to any damage claim being denied.