Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for the comforting email...it's been a wonderful month.  I am so glad "an incredible customer"...and friend...alerted me to this site.I have run several new ads and invite you all to visit my new website....ready to go except for photographs which I promise will be up in the nextweek...www.oliversjewelry.com...and let me know what you think.  Just as Ken and I always felt, that our customers built our business, I invite you todo the same with the new website.  I need all the support I can get in thesetrying times....and love hearing from each and every one of you.  So, goahead, and constructively advise me on anything you feel I'm missing.  Everyone responding to the website and placing orders of my pine cone jewelrywill receive a 10%  discount....and that's in addition to the 30% discount already posted in local ads.  That's right....40% off any 14Kt yellow gold or sterling merchandise in stock...and we can talk about custom orders, if you'd like.So, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone....and please continue to write.  I amalways surprised at the number of people who feel they "did not know whatto say" during this past year's loss of my partner....anything and everythingyou'd said has been more than alright!  Thank you so much, and be well.Gail