Depending on the size of your company, you can spend billions of dollars on advertising. However, if you do not properly brand yourself and let consumers know who you are, your efforts and money are wasted.
MediaSquib will advertise your business in all the right places! We all know that you can advertise on TV, the radio, in a newspaper, and even a billboard. We are bringing local businesses a fresh way to advertise that will definitely reach that captive audience. We provide indoor advertising to you at a fraction of the cost of print or radio and TV.What are the advantages of indoor advertising? With MediaSquib placing your ad in the restrooms of high traffic restaurants, bars, night clubs, movie theaters, bowling alleys, etc., we not only help you reach your target audience by income, age, and race, but we also can help you target them by gender. Your consumer cannot change the channel, toss your ad out, turn the page, or really even look away. Your consumer is captive anywhere from 30 seconds to 4 minutes and is looking for something to read, which could be your ad! With an average patronage anywhere from 12,000-16,000 in NWA - your ad can be seen by hundreds of your customers with a retention rate of 84%!Indoor advertising is proven to work and has been around since the late 1980's. Call MediaSquib today and let us advertise your company and get your ad seen. Again, if no one sees your ad, no one knows you!