As the temperatures from early spring to summer, there is a natural desire to open windows and let in fresh air, please be reminded of these important safety tips to help protect your little ones. 

Windows can provide a secondary means of escape during a fire. Since windows provide a secondary means of escape from a burning home or building, every family should develop and practice an emergency escape plan in the event that fire or smoke blocks the primary exit. Children may have to rely on a window to escape in a fire, so help them learn to safely use a window under these circumstances.

Include windows in home emergency escape plans. Be sure to identify all doors and windows that can be used. Make sure they open easily. Keep escape routes free from clutter – toys, furniture, electrical cords and other potential tripping and falling hazards. Teach all household members to use windows and doors properly for escape and rescue purposes. 

Here are some other general window safety tips:

• Keep furniture – or anything children can use to climb – away from windows. Children may use such objects to climb to an open window and potentially fall.
• Remember that insect screens are intended to keep insects out. They are neither designed nor intended to keep children from falling out of windows and should not be expected to do so.
• When installing window guards or window fall prevention devices, be aware that the window guards or window fall prevention devices must have a release mechanism so that they can be opened for escape in a fire emergency.
• Select a device that complies with ASTM F2090, which provides minimum requirements for window fall prevention devices to ensure that they can be easily removed or opened when necessary. Consult your local fire department or building code official to determine proper window guard placement.
As temperatures rise and home fires are increasingly in the headlines across the country, it's more important than ever for adults to take steps to enhance window safety. Even with window fall prevention devices in place, there is no substitute for adult supervision, so it's essential to teach children to keep play away from windows, doors, and balconies.
Consider investing in a fire safety ladder that allows loved ones on the upper levels of your home to get out of the home in case of a fire safely. Practice using it so it does not seem so overwhelming in the event of a real fire.