Young Drivers Car Insurance!!!?

I ve been shopping around for car insurance and for a car on my own I cant get it below 4,000 so to get this lower I was going to add my dad as the main driver and put me as an additional driver which got it down to 1,600, that was the plan until my mum told me it was illegal and called fronting so that s out the window but then I was told when I buy my car to get my dad to buy it in his name, and then do the whole main driver and additional driver thing and it should be okay, is this true? If not can someone please give me some advice on how to get cheap car insurance, I m going to be 18, it will be my first car and anything below a 1.4 engine size. Thanks

BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare


How much will my insurance go up for my traffic violations?

Over the summer I got a ticket for passed inspection date. Then in December I got 2 tickets simultaneously. One was a 16miles over the limit and the other for not having my driver s license in my car (but I do have one). How much will my car insurance go up?

My car insurance policy are affordable because it base on a old 000 Toyota. I sold the Toyota but not reporti?

To insurance, is it legal"

"I m 57, am learning to drive a car, will need the best and cheapest car insurance, how will I know which is re"

i just want to be able to drive my car, and know there is help there for me, when and if I ever need it, without all the hassles of being stranded. Am in the process of checking out AAMI, RACT. Comprehensive for a first off driver is about $859 a year!! would i be better to Join RACT emergency on road assistance AS WELL AS taking out fire and theft third party insurance separately? I will be about the only driver, with a friend or this the best cover for me? Say...for 1,2 years until I build up a reliable record? enough then to qualify for cheaper comrehensive insurance car cover?How will I know what is really the best for me?"

Light collision on the highway...covered by insurance?

my girlfriend was driving my car, and i was sleeping so i didn t see what happened... she was driving on the most left lane, and there was a car on the right hand side of our car.. again, i didn t see what happened, but she told me that car didn t stay on his lane, and slightly crossed to our lane, then the front of our car hit the back of that car... no one is injured, my gf and that driver both stopped on the shoulder and see if there are any damages... but it was at night, and too dark to see anything... that man said he is just going to go home and drive away... after we went back home, we found out there are some scratches and some dent on the front of my car... i took it to the auto body shop, and it the people there said it s gonna cost about $900 to fix it... should i contact my insurance company..? or is it not covered..? (sorry, i know i am all new to this...)"

How much for infinity g35 or nissan 350z insurance?

Well ive had my license since I was 16 and im currently 18. I have a jeep and after working on it and driving it so much ive decided to get rid of it for something new. Im pretty set on getting either a g35,350z or 330xi, however, i wanted to know how much insurance might cost for either the infinity or the 350z. For the people who want to judge and say i dont deserve any of these cars,please refrain from commenting that on this post.1)I do not car and 2) Im a very good driver and i drive a lot and have a lot of experience on the road sees that I m always driving around to and from practice,work,and each parents house because they are divorced. thank you"

What are the insurance rates on a chevy S10?

it is a 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended cab truck, no mods, just stock"

I am trying to find affordable heath insurance in CA?

I would also like some info on what the deductibles mean, etc."

Why did health insurance prices double in the last 5 years and not car insurance?

family health insurance plans went from 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. Health insurance is quickly becoming the average American s #1 cost, soon to exceed rent."

Do you have health insurance?

if, so, How much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance."

Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?

I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i m not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i m covered. i don t think i want full coverage. We live in California i don t know of that changes anything."

How can i get homeowners insurance if i own a rottweiler?

i currently have gieco home insurance and they said they will not cover my home if i own a pit bull, rottie or chow what i m i supposed to do with my rottie? please help"

How where and how can I get cheap car insurance?

I lost my job last year and I m getting back on my feet again and I m looking for very cheap insurance because I still can t pay too much.

Can the government require you to buy insurance?

In listening to the Supreme Court arguments about Obamacare a question keeps coming to mind. The major arguing point seems to be: Can the government constitutionally require people to buy health insurance? If the answer turns out to be no, does that mean the government can not require you any insurance? Like car insurance? Don t use the argument that driving is a privilege, not a right. There is ample judicial precedence that says owning a car & driving is, in fact, a right in the U.S. It certainly is necessary to get hired."

What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance?

What does a saliva test took for when getting life insurance?

How much would the car insurance cost for a 2006 ferrari f430?

for a 25 year old

Insurance on parents car.....?

If I get my permit next week, how can I drive it if I don t have my name under the insurance for the car?"

Applying for health insurance coverage - please help?

Do you have to have a valid social security number to apply for health insurance benefits with regence blue cross blue shield?

Healthcare Homework help?

Here is what i need to find: 1) explore insurance costs for patients with and without cancer 2) will the new Obama healthcare act help patients with cancers be able to access affordable health care insurance rates? 3) do hospitals have the right to reject some patients and refuse care? 4) what are the local, state, and federal laws regarding right to treat? Okay so i ve already done some research but some of the questions are kinda vague and im having trouble figuring out what to say and finding info...especially #1. It s supposed to be placed on a poster board for a showcase so it needs to be nice. I dont know much about healthcare so i dont know what i need to focus on?"

How much would insurance cost me on a v6 camaro?

it is a 1988 camaro and i would just have the cheapest coverage and i am 16 any ideas on how much it would cost me?

Where can i find the cheapest insurance??

im 19. i live in california. ive never been in an accident and ive never gotten a ticket. i drive a 2004 suzuki forenza and i pay almost 200 dollars a month for insurance!!! i have to have full coverage because im still paying off my car, but come on i think thats a little ridiculous.. its more than my car payment. Any idea where i can get it cheaper and if so, how do i go about changing it?? any help is greatly appreciated!"

Does anyone know the insurance group prices in the UK?

looking at car insurance does anyone know how much is group is like 3E, 5 and 12 or summit is there any websites where you can find them? if anyone has any suggestions please leave below!"

Do you need insurance for motorcycle if under 21?

i just passed my course and the coach I had told us that you are not required to have insurance if your 21 or over and wear a helmet so I asked her what about people under 21, she said it didnt say anything in the papers so she doesnt know.. i was wondering if any of you know if it is legal not to have insurance. im 18, live in florida, and wear a helmet, thanks!"

"I m a female unemployed, living in upstate NY & need affordable health insurance! Desperate for suggestions!?"

I have been unemployed over a year. Although I am collecting unemployment benefits, I work a job per diem (usually 1-2 days per wk. which means I can t collect full unemployment benefits). I can t afford private pay insurance i.e. Healthy NY etc & don t financially qualify for Medicaid. Are there any other options? I would hate for a catastrophic illness to dictate my coverage & thus spend the rest of my life paying off medical bills!"

Drink driving & car insurance?

Does anyone know of any car insurance dealers that are kind(er) to drink drivers? All my qoutes are high and I just don t have the money to be forking out on car insurance. I have just bought my first flat and have a baby on the way...I wish they could see that circumstances have changed!!!

Whats the auto insurance company that gives you various rates?

There was an auto insurance commercial whose gimick was that they provided you with not only their rates, but the rates of their competitors...what insurance company was that? I haven t seen that particular thing being adverstised in a few months-and I cant remember what the company was...either geico, progressive..i cant remember?!!"

Young Drivers Car Insurance!!!?

I ve been shopping around for car insurance and for a car on my own I cant get it below 4,000 so to get this lower I was going to add my dad as the main driver and put me as an additional driver which got it down to 1,600, that was the plan until my mum told me it was illegal and called fronting so that s out the window but then I was told when I buy my car to get my dad to buy it in his name, and then do the whole main driver and additional driver thing and it should be okay, is this true? If not can someone please give me some advice on how to get cheap car insurance, I m going to be 18, it will be my first car and anything below a 1.4 engine size. Thanks

How much is car insurance.?

what car insurance for a new driver ,lady 27 .for a 6 seat car ,value 1.000 . from a small nottingham town ng177JEM"

Important question regarding auto insurance while renting a vehicle?

Does anyone have any idea about how much a person is liable for if they rent a car from a place such as Avis, Hertz or Thrifty without paying for the insurance coverage they offer? A friend of mine doesn t have her own car so therefore she doesn t have any insurance. She is renting a car for the weekend and wasn t sure about her liability with or without purchasing the insurance coverage thru the rental agency. Any answers would be great as we all know that those rental insurance programs offered by car rental agencies can be quite expensive:-)"

Maternity insurance coverage?

I have been searching for insurance coverage for weeks now and I can t find a single plan that includes maternity coverage (not even the hospital stay for the birth) I live in colorado and I am currently not pregnant and I currently don t have insurance. I just want to be covered because i m a healthy 22 year old married woman and you never know what will happen. does anyone have insurance that covered their pregnancy? what are my options? what did you do?

Estimate on car insurance for this car?

Okay, I m looking to get a used 350z for my sixteenth birthday. I know car insurance is going to be really high for it being a sport car and for me being only 16, but I d like an estimate to see where I m going with this and I m not sure how to do it myself. :) Here s a link to the car:"

Are Virginia car insurance rates cheaper than Maryland s?

I live in the DC area and I m trying to figure out the pros and cons of living in the Virginia or Maryland suburbs. I heard a rumor that if I move to Maryland, my insurance company will jack up the rates. Does that sound right? Why would the rates be higher just because I cross the state line?"

Can an AZ camera ticket go on your insurance when you live in California but were driving in AZ?

I received 3 camera tickets in the mail and I live in Cali I called my sister in AZ and she said to ignore them because if a cop does not issue the ticket is not a valid ticket, I called my insuurance and she said that I can have my license suspended and my rates will go sky high, After reading the last inquiry will my rates go higher and points go onto my record? need an answer fast!!!! I am supposd to send in the ticket with my husbands drivers license blown up because to show he was not the driver my son was and it states on the ticket if you were not the driver of this vehicle but owned the vehicle send in the folllowing documents which will be my husbands license? Am I am serious trouble with m,y insurance and will my son get his license suspened? Help"

Sure insurance companies cant refuse to sell you insurance because of a pre existing condition but what stops?

Them from charging you more than you can afford for it?

What is the most common health insurance?

what is the most common health insurance

How much would an insurance premium rise if you has 2 speeding tickets?

Now, I am considering adding myself to my husbands policy(for his car). I went 15 years without a single ticket, and then this past year I recieved two speeding tickets within 6 months. I was only going 5 mph over on one, and 7 mph on the other. Will the agent factor this in, or is speeding, speeding no matter how fast..It was NOT fast enough to be consdered wreckless driving. Neither of us have ever had an accident...(thank you lord!) Alos- How long does it take for tickets to come off your record? And are they also basing premiums off credit? I have good credit, so could that help the speeding issue?"

Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?

Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?

Can I ride my motorcycle with just a bill of sale and insurance?

Hey I just bought a 2004 r6 and I live in georgia. I bought it from alabama and the old owner is mailing me the title in a couplle of weeks but I m wondering, if I have a bill of sale and proof of insurance can I go ahead and ride the bike??"

Anyone know any good insurance?

Does anyone happen to know of any good insurance companies that may help pay for some of the initial tests for infertility?

"What insurance company is the best to work for,as an agent?"

Which insurance company is the best to work for as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc"

Age Of 16 to fill up a car insurance quote?

why car insurance agent put 16 on car insurance quote even you got your license when you were 18...?

Will a cell phone ticket effect my car insurance rate?

I got a cell phone ticket that might go on my driving record. Wil it effect my insurance rate? I have 21 century with a great low rate. Will that change?

How much is car insurance usually in UK?

I live in London and don t have a clue about this thing but I just passed my test at 29 and hope to get a decent looking car that has had a previous owner and don t under all this quote business. I ve got about 2670 to spend. So half of that will be for a deposit. How much do most people spend on insurance a year and what would be a cheap price range for me to look for? How much should it be for a month?

Does the colour of your car affect how much your insurance will cost?

cos someone said that apparently darker coloured cars like black or darker shade blue green etc are more expensive on insurance than lighter ones like white, yellow etc Is this true or am i just being told myths?"

What is the blue sheild of california (health insurance) code format?

Please help.. like the number on the card you get. I need to draw a picture and i want to make it as accurate as possible :) what is the blue sheild of california (insurance company) code format? for example if it is ABC123 = letter letter letter # # #

Average motorcycle insurance rate?

I m 16 and living in Ontario i wanted to know how much insurance rate it is do you pay monthly? yearly? i don t know submit what you know and estimate if you don t know

What are different basic insurance certification programs?

Am looking for an insurance career. Am a mom thinking of starting my career after a 6 yrs break. I want to know the basic insurance courses available. are thereany govt recognized exams and certifications available am totally new to this am newto USA so dont know much abt the programs. pls help with some info.

Car Insurance for youth?

What car insurance company is usually cheapest for a new driver with a car in the early 90 s (1991 Grand Prix) for liablity only. I would go on with my parents but the company they have forces me to pay on every car they own and its just waaaay to much for me since im just starting out in the workforce

Car insurance?

My husband and I are planning on getting a new car and we re looking through and finding a lot of good cars but is there a website you can go to to calculate how much the insurance of each car to help us narrow our decision down?

Cheap health insurance?

what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke.."

Car insurance not at fault?

I recieved a letter from my auto insurance who finished their investigation regarding my claim (minor accident @parking lot of a store with another vehicle) and according to them I am 0% at fault. The other party s auto insurance is still conducting their investigation. If the other party finds me at fault then what happens next? The reason why I ask is I got laid off my job in February & I do not have the funds to pay and it s been hard to find a job that pays a decent rate to help me live here in northern California. Your assistance greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Anthem Blue Cross Insurance?

Does anyone here has any problem with Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance on making phone call or trying to contact them any way? Every time I tried to call them, I have to be on hold for at least 30 minutes, sometime 1 hour but still couldn t get any help from them. I feel they are helpless, careless...bad service Insurance as I ever know."

Young Drivers Car Insurance!!!?

I ve been shopping around for car insurance and for a car on my own I cant get it below 4,000 so to get this lower I was going to add my dad as the main driver and put me as an additional driver which got it down to 1,600, that was the plan until my mum told me it was illegal and called fronting so that s out the window but then I was told when I buy my car to get my dad to buy it in his name, and then do the whole main driver and additional driver thing and it should be okay, is this true? If not can someone please give me some advice on how to get cheap car insurance, I m going to be 18, it will be my first car and anything below a 1.4 engine size. Thanks

What kind of insurance plan covers theft of a vehicle?

I live in Los Angeles and I will soon be getting a 2005 Subaru sti i have been saving up for, but there s a lot of stolen cars in my area so I wated to know what insurance is good and cheap and that covers if my vehicle gets stolen. (I know that if it covers a stolen vehicle it s not going to be so cheap but 20 dollar a month less wownt hurt lol) (I ve had my license for 1 year and 1/2 I m 5 moths from being 18, so I m still a minor. I ve gotten 1 speeding ticket but has been taken care of in traffic school). thanks in Advance."

Car Insurance Renewal - cooling off period?

My insurers have renewed my car insurance policy because I mistakenly thought the previous policy ended 5 days after it did. Their policy was considerably higher than I could get elsewhere. I have had 5 days cover - can I cancel without penalty?

Best Ways to Reduce Car Insurance?

I found this article on about best ways to reduce my car insurance. Is this true?

Car insurance help!!!!!!!?

how does the car insurance work if your car was stolen but had full coverage

Looking for affordable health insurance in California?

Is there any way that an individual might be able to join an existing health insurande group? I am single, and my job does not offer insurance. I am 28 and healthy, but the costs of individual plans are out of my budget. I was just wondering if there was a better way to insure myself on the up and up."

Can you get car insurance scams? 80 insurance?

im 20 years old and looking for car insurance for the first time on my first car. I have a friend who knows someone working at diamond who has quoted me a really cheap amount for both me and my brother. it comes to 994 a year for me and my brother both and a monthly payment of 80, however he is asking for a personal fee of 650 for doing it so cheap. is this trust worthy? im so baffled please help!"

Renewing car insurance?

My car insurance is up for renewal in January and I have been looking quotes up on the internet. But when it asks for the period of licence held for I put 0 years as I passed my test in July but my car was insured in my name from january when I was on a provisional. I then put that I have 1 years no claims as I havn t claimed in the year that I ve had the car insurance but it won t accept it as it says I can have no claims that is greater than the period i ve held my license for. So do I put that i ve had my license for a year (which would include the provisional period) or do I put that I havn t got any no claims. Thank s in advance.

"If i make motor claim in the past, do i need to mention it when buying a new insurance?"

Hi, my car insurance is expiring soon, so i ve started looking for quotes and i realised when i mention the fact that i have made a claim in the last 5 years,,,the premium gets higher. If i dnt mention it, its much cheaper. Is it neccessary to mention it? what happens if i don t mention it?"

Do I need a flood insurance?

I live in the apartment on the second floor do I need a flood insurance?

"If Obamacare is so bad, why is reducing health insurance premiums by 50%?"

New York state residents will be able to get health insurance next year on the Obamacare exchange for half the average price available in the state today. Contrary to prior claims by conservatives, Obamacare lowers health insurance premiums in California In fact, in the 9 states that published their 2014 rates, EVERY benchmark plan came in cheaper under Obamacare."

Transfering Auto/Insurance Title/Policy?

Short story - I did not qualify for vehicle finance - girlfriend finances the vehicle for me. We have 5 day to furnish insurance. How i do go about getting the truck in my name and furnishing insurance on it? I do not have the registration or title (coming in mail). I cant open an insurance policy on a car thats not mine. And if she opens an insurance policy on the car she would have to add me to it (but she s not going to drive it which makes for a waste of money?) Thanks for any help

How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?

How much does insurance cost for a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt for a 16 year old who went through drivers ed?

What should a 16 year old expect to pay for insurance?

I have never had insurance before. I own my first car right now. I have a graduated drivers license. and I have taken a drivers ed course. I need to know how much to expect to pay a month. Thanks!(:

"If i take drivers ed now, will my car insurance rate go down?"

I got my g2 a month ago without taking drivers ed, however I heard that insurance rates are cheaper if you ve taken drivers ed, so my question is, if i go and take drivers ed now will my insurance rate go down? Or is it too late?"


if i buy a new(used) car, wont the insurance papers in my other car cover my new car for a few days? i have heard this from many of my friends, but i dont want to find out the hard way..."

How can I get health insurance?

I live in Chicago, IL. I don t have health health insurance because my mom can t afford it. Im 19 years old and I need health insurance.What does everyone else do who s under 21? Do any of you under 21 have any health insurance? If so, what company? I don t have a job, (been trying to find a job for three years). I need to see a dermatologist really bad, and I have no idea what to do."

What company has the least expensive auto insurance for young drivers?

Does anyone know of an insurance company that is reasonable with it s rates for a young lady driver with a good driving record but bad credit? Full coverage is needed on the vehicle. Thank you for your time and your answers.

Ninja 250 insurance for a 17 year old?

I have no wrecks tickets or anything on my record for driving a car. I want a motorcycle because they are cool and get like 2-3 times better gas mileage then my car. The problem id my parents complain they are dangerous and thy also say the insurance is like 3 times as much. I live in the U.S will the insurance be a lot, if so can you give me a estimate per month? Also since a 250 is cheap and not very fast will that make a difference in safety and insurance price?"

Car Insurance Costs.?

Coverage Type: Your Basic needs Collision: $250 Deductible Comprehensive: $250 Deductible Medical: None Bodily Injury Liability: $100,000/300,000 Limit Property Damage: $50,000 Limit Towing: Yes Rental Reimbursement: None ^^ Does anyone have an clue towards how much that would be monthly?"

Whe will liberals admit the affordable health care act has made health care and health insurance?

More expensive already?

What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?

Particularly NYC?

New car for 16 year old. Insurance question?

So I m 16 and my parents are buying me a 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. Anyways, the insurance will be under my dad s name. Until I get into an accident, I don t need to have insurance. Would it be better to stick to the insurance we have now. Which we have 5 houses under, and 3 cars. Or would it be better to go to another insurance company and not let either know of eachother? Thanks! Oh and don t bother BSing about how it should be under my name... I won t listen so why do it?"

What are the other things do I have to pay for besides the car and insurance?

Okay my budget for my first car will be 1000 pounds insurance will be about 4000 or even more...whats MOT and Tax? what about breakdown cover? I m thinking about getting breakdown cover because I dont really have anyone to call if i m in would save me the embarassment...

What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?

What is the best place to get insurance from when just passed test (uk)?

Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?

Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?

Young Drivers Car Insurance!!!?

I ve been shopping around for car insurance and for a car on my own I cant get it below 4,000 so to get this lower I was going to add my dad as the main driver and put me as an additional driver which got it down to 1,600, that was the plan until my mum told me it was illegal and called fronting so that s out the window but then I was told when I buy my car to get my dad to buy it in his name, and then do the whole main driver and additional driver thing and it should be okay, is this true? If not can someone please give me some advice on how to get cheap car insurance, I m going to be 18, it will be my first car and anything below a 1.4 engine size. Thanks

"How much is the average cost of car insurance in ST Thomas, VI ?"

How much is the average cost of car insurance in ST Thomas, VI ?"

Which dental insurance/plan?

i recently came to the US from UK and i have 2 teeth at front that were once chipped and now built up with cement . i plan to possibly have a couple boxing matches while im here. so im looking for a purely dental plan that covers things like the possibility of my tooth chipping again etc. but would also like basic dental coverage while im here too (as my wisdom teeth are coming through n its possible i might need them removed?)

How can a 16 year old get cheaper car insurance?

Since I m a minor, I guess I have to put my name under my mom s name making her pay so much more because I m under her name. But, a friend once told me, if I say I live with my older brother, it will become cheaper and it goes under my name. Is that true?"

Which of these cars would be good for a first driver? Which one would have the cheapest insurance?

1. 2005 Ford Five Hundred 2. 2000-2005 Jeep Wrangler 3. 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. 2007 Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta Please Help!!!!

Auto insurance question?

I m going to be working for a delivering company and I need proof of insurance. I have it, but the car I m driving is my mom s so the name on the card obviously isn t mine. The company I m going to be working for needs proof that I have insurance and I don t know what kind of paperwork would work. Any ideas?"

Health insurance providers in the state of ohio?

i am trying to get health insurance quotes from as many companies as i can in the state of ohio. so far i have came up with: anthem aetna united healthcare humana anyone that i am missing? thanks

"Cons, what is a better health plan than the President s plan?"

Do you or your candidates have a viable plan for Americans? Many people are without insurance because it is not affordable or it they have pre-existing conditions, or their employer does not offer it. Many Americans have lost jobs and health insurance is out of the question for them. Any ideas?"

Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don t drive?

Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don t drive?

Car insurance question.?

Okay, so if a car has no insurance is it legal to still drive it as long as I myself am insured?"

Why do men pay higher rates for auto insurance than women.........if women cause more accidents than men?

Car insurance price?

i m now 17, i m gonna get my license next month, i m wonder how much car insurance will cost, i m international student and i live with my uncle in aparterment. i would like to buy my own insurance one not just add to family insurance, please to me exaclty how much it cost for my insurance"

How to tax car without insurance?!?

I bought a car recently on ebay. The gentleman said that he already cancelled his insurance as he stopped using the car in the las 6 months. I wanted to ask him to pay the tax on it but he can t. What should I do because when I buy a new car I contact the insurance company straight away but there s not tax on it so can t take it...Any advice?

"Car with basic insurance stolen, what will insurance company say?"

My 90 honda civic was recently stolen, and I had the most basic insurance legally possible. Will my insurance help cover this at all? I have car insurance through Omni and I already called them... but I have to wait 24-48 hrs before I ll hear back from them. I think I know the answer already, but can anyone that s been in a similar situation fill me in?"

19 year old and car insurance. i am an absolute newbie?

i am 19 male and want to get a car. to do this i was told i need to: 1. pick a car i am thinking of getting 2. check with different insurance companies how much the insurance would cost for the car i have NO IDEA how to do step number 2! can someone give me a list of insurance companies to call maybe? or is there a website? I AM ABSOLUTELY NEW TO THIS! ANY HELP AND/OR TIPS IS APPRECIATED BTW i live in Ontario more specifically Toronto

What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?

What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?

Should i move to California?

im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?"

Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old boy on a UK full licence?

do you know any cheap insurance providers who could give a reasonable quote for a 17 year old, with a pass plus on a full UK licence, as go compare is giving quotes of 3000+ which if far too much for a student, plus this is only third party, please help!"

Would insurance be greatly different for a grand am gt and a grand prix GTP?

Im thinking about getting either a grand am gt or (preferably) a grand prix GTP. Would the insurance for those two cars be greatly different in cost if all the other things like coveerage, driver, etc is the same for both? thanks!"

What would I need to do to get car insurance (new driver)?

I plan on leasing a car and paying monthly, but I ll need car insurance. I m 21 and a new driver, Where should I get my car insurance? And how much will i be looking to pay for a car in the 2004-2006 range? Thanks."

Most affordable health insurance?

I know its going to be expensive regardless, I can t afford to go through my work s insurance (over $200 a month). Researching online for medical/dental coverage. Anyone know a good insurance to go through?"

What is the estimate car insurance cost for me?

Hello~ I m a 16 year old female who is looking into cars and insurance. I ve made a deal with my parents, so I believe that I am getting a 2013 Kia Rio. My question is...What is a rough estimate for the insurance cost that my parents will have to pay? 16 years old Female 2013 Kia Rio I have a 3.5 - 3.8 ish GPA (Can t remember exactly) If I have to, I ll probably take a drivers ed class (Although I d love to avoid that) I believe my family is with State Farm We live in Gilbert AZ Thank you in advance! <3"

What are the cheapest auto insurance companies for young drivers?

What is the cheapest major auto insurance company for a 19 year old male, with no violations or accidents? Going to be buying first car in the next couple weeks and need insurance. Getting a much older used car so I don t car much about comprehensive and such, just want state minimum coverage (20/40/15 in IL) to be legal. I ve seen quotes from Progressive, Geico, The General and Safe Auto. So far, geico has been considerably the lowest. I checked various models I was looking at, on average progressive was about $100/mo, the General and Safe Auto were around $120 and geico I saw the lowest as $45/mo ranging up to $80/mo (but I ve already eliminated that car- a ford probe that sold before I could test drive) I m wondering if anyone knows of any other major companies with lower rates, otherwise I m obviously going with geico. Right now my options are down to a mitsu eclipse or a camry/corrolla/accord (something of that nature, whatevers on the lot and priced right) The eclipse from geico I believe was around 60-70, I imagine the camry would be more in the 45-50 range. Any companies with rates lower?"

I have just passed my test and i have been looking for car insurances and i added my partner as a named driver?

I have been looking at car insurances and i added my partner as a named driver and she only have a provisional license and it has come out 600 pound cheaper, every thing is correct on the quote, does anyone know why this is."

I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?

I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?

Insurance cost for the following car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT?

I am a teenager and I am buying a car and would like to know an estimate on how much this insurance costs before I call them up. Car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 L, 6 Cylinders. Title: Va - Salvage I originally wanted to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse, 2.4, 4 Cylinder. I know the eclipse is a better choice, But auctions for the eclipse will end for quite a while on the website we are purchasing the car. And I need a car now, because it will take us a while to fix up the vehicle (Buying proken, and repairing)"

Young Drivers Car Insurance!!!?

I ve been shopping around for car insurance and for a car on my own I cant get it below 4,000 so to get this lower I was going to add my dad as the main driver and put me as an additional driver which got it down to 1,600, that was the plan until my mum told me it was illegal and called fronting so that s out the window but then I was told when I buy my car to get my dad to buy it in his name, and then do the whole main driver and additional driver thing and it should be okay, is this true? If not can someone please give me some advice on how to get cheap car insurance, I m going to be 18, it will be my first car and anything below a 1.4 engine size. Thanks