Lets start with the basic candle ingredient, the wax.  Today's most popular candle brands have worked hard to get there name out there and create hundreds of scents without much thought as to the quality of their candles or the potential harm they are causing. With these candles containing artificial scents and paraffin mixtures you may be filling your home with not just the wonderful scent you paid for, but also with potentially harmful toxins. Chemicals that may be present in a paraffin mixture and released through burning include: Acetone, Trichlorofluoromethane, Carbon Disulfide, 2-Butanone, Trichloroethane, Trichloroethene, Carbon Tetrachloride, Tetrachloroethene, Chlorobenzene, Ethylbenzene, Styrene, Xylene, Phenol, Cresol, Cyclopentene. Some of these toxins can be found in products such as paint, laquer and varnish removers. That's powerful stuff!
Now lets take a look at Jewelry in Candles
We cut out the cheaper Paraffin mixture and instead opted for toxin free, safe burning soy.  Soy candles have so many benefits!  They are clean burning, no black residue, no harmful toxins or fumes and soy wax has a longer lasting burn time.  Soy wax also burns at a lower temperature than paraffin so you have less of a risk of wax burns.
Jewelry in Candles also chooses to use essential oils to bring you a healthy, safe scent. Artificial scents have been known trigger allergies while the essential oils in our candles are used for aromatherapy purposes. Aromatherapy is used all over the world to promote health benefits including relaxation, anxiety relief, energy, concentration and hundreds of other benefits.
Now we get to the fun part!
Not only are we offering high quality candles, we also added a little surprise to really brighten your day.  Each 100% soy candle and wax tart includes a jewelry surprise buried in the wax.
We are the only company of our kind that allows you to choose between a necklace, earrings or a ring in your size! and the really fun part? Each piece of jewelry has a value of at least $10 but up to $1000+! 
Safe Candles, aromatherapy benefits and a jewelry surprise? Sounds like the perfect candle to me!Check out our amazing products here:www.jewelryincandles.com/store/krista_lingley