ezBuyz loves its shoppers and visitors, so as a token of its apprecation ezBuyz is offering frequent shopping rewards… no purchase is necessary! This is a regular, on-going program where you earn points for doing really simple things… easy things you might be doing anyway. If you’re a tweeter (have a twitter account) you earn points every time you tweet about ezBuyz. Simply tweeting about a great product or a super sales price you’ve seen at ezBuyz… whether you buy it or not… will earn you points.

Everyone starts by getting 100 points just for signing up for the ezBuyz Shopper Appreciation program. Earn 25 points every time you tweet about ezBuyz. Like ezBuyz on Facebook or post about it and earn 25 points. Recommend ezBuyz on Google+ and earn 25 points. Earn 100 points by referring a friend. Earn 500 points when you redeem a coupon while making a purchase through ezBuyz. There will be other special sales and other activities you can participate in that will earn you points… and most of them will NOT require you to spend money! Register 100% free and never an obligation!