Local Physician Re-Certified by MROCC as Medical Review Officer


For Immediate Release


– Dr. Paul C. Hanahan was recently re-certified as a  Medical Review Officer (MRO). Dr. Hanahan is the sole proprietor of HealthCare for Business in .


Dr. Hanahan was re-certified by the Medical Review Officer Certification Council (MROCC), an independent physician-based certifying body which conducts an extensive application process and written examination to identify licensed physicians with the highest professional standards of medical expertise and practical skills necessary to evaluate drug and alcohol test results in public and private sectors of the workplace.


The U.S. Department of Transportation, and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, most Fortune 500 corporations and many smaller companies require employee drug and alcohol testing today.  Federal law (49 CFR Part 40 of the Federal Register) mandates that a qualified MRO must make the final determination of whether a positive laboratory test represents substance abuse.  The certified MRO may also act as a valuable resource to protect the company, helping with policies and regulatory issues, as well as providing related services such as drug testing collections, breath alcohol testing services, coordination of laboratory services, laboratory performance testing, and preparation of summary reports for employers.  MROCC certification indicates that a physician is well-prepared to handle workplace drug and alcohol testing programs and to help manage chemical dependency.


The MROCC Board of Directors represent a multi-specialty partnership among a variety of medical specialty groups – the of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the of Clinical Toxicologists, the of Medical Toxicology, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the – as well as the American Medical Association.