How we live our lives is deeply interrelated to the continuous, ever-moving creation, imagining, re-imagining, and realization of Home.  As someone whose actual job revolves around Homes, as a Realtor and green builder here in beautiful Albuquerque,  New Mexico, I am constantly engaged in conversations about Home.  What makes a home?  How do we create a home which invites creativity, balance and peace?  Home as not only the walls which surround us, but also as our home here on Earth.  Some very basic *and easy * steps we can all implement to create a more reciprocal relationship with our Home are:

eat less meat • compost • plant trees! • shop with reusable bags • make your own non-toxic cleaning solutions (baking soda, tea tree oil, and vinegar go a long way) • harvest rainwater • clean or replace air filters • use rechargeable batteries • ditch plastic water bottles and use safe stainless steel containers instead • bike or walk • eat local, organically grown food (and shop at Albuquerque's wonderful farmers markets and La Montanita Coop!) • replace paper towels and napkins with cloth • borrow books from the library • shower instead of bath • aviod products tested on animals • turn off the computer at night and other times not in use • recycle • reuse • stop junk mail • landscape with native plants (not only are they beautful and consume minimal water but they will bring birds, bees, and butterflies to your yard!) •  switch to online billing • wash laundry in cold water • trade instead of purchase whenever possible • use glass containers for food storage in place of plastic (your food will taste better too!) • slow down • breathe fresh air!   

If you are interested in learning more about homes with green features, as a certified EcoBroker and green builder, I would love to discuss options with you, whether it be finding you a home with existing green features or one which has great potential for a green remodel.