What you need to do right away to help grow your business for 2011

The New Year is here!    It's the time of year where many people set New Year's resolutions and it's the time of year where many business owners prepare their annual business strategies in order to help their companies grow and succeed a little more than last year.   This type of preparation involves so many topics that I find it difficult to prepare one column with limited space to discuss and share information about business strategies.  However, I believe I've found a way to give you all something that you could use for the entire year.  Here's a small business "To-Do List" for growing your company for the New Year.  Think of this as an overview and in the following months I'll elaborate more on these topics.  Here's your To-Do list: 

1.       Revise your business plan.

2.       If you don't have a business plan, create one

Yes, there are only two items on the list and they both pertain to writing a business plan.  You might be asking yourself, "What kind of list is this? Why do I need a business plan when I'm not applying for a loan or looking for investors?  Why are there only two items on this list that apply only to a business plan? "

First, allow me to explain by busting the myths of the infamous business plan.  Many people often associate a business plan as just a well-written document for financing a start-up company.  I also often speak with people that think a business plan can only be prepared by a company that offers such a service.  I can assure you that a business plan is not just for applying for a bank loan or for trying to win over a potential investor.  It has many more uses than that.  Plus, you can indeed prepare your own business plan.  Think of it as your company's road map or blueprint to becoming a successful organization.  Would you build a house without the architect's blueprints?  Why risk your future?  Your business plan should contain information pertaining to everything there is to know about your business - mission statement, marketing plan, sales forecasts, financial information and much more.   Who knows about this information more than the person that founded and runs the company? 

Truth be told, business plans can be quite an undertaking.  The finished product can be very extensive, can sometimes take weeks to prepare, and can sometimes be difficult for first-timers.  For this reason it's no wonder that many small businesses owners opt out of creating one.  In fact, About.com conducted an online poll and found that only 56% percent of the participants had some sort of formal business plan.  Hopefully, that means that over half the business owners reading this blog have a business plan.  Good for you!  If you don't have one, start one right away. 

Despite being lengthy and time consuming, business plans are very beneficial.  The time you invest in preparing one will greatly be repaid as it will help you in many different ways.  For instance, you'll likely discover many different things about yourself and your business that you wouldn't realize otherwise. You may also discover a new way of telling people about your business.  For instance, if you have a mobile DJ company like I do you may discover something unique about your business to tell people other than just telling people that you play music at parties.

Some business experts believe that the act of planning and not the business plan itself creates the greatest benefit.  Planning provides a clear a direction for people to follow which encourages people to work harder with greater efficiency and greater effectiveness.  This in turn, will increase your company's productivity and profits.  Companies that plan are also more prepared for contingencies.  If something goes wrong, a company with a detailed plan will have anticipated the issue and will have prepared a solution for that particular issue. 

If you don't know how to start a business plan, don't despair.  There are plenty of resources out there in books and online.   One that really helped me was "Successful Business Plan: Secrets and Strategies" by Rhonda Abrams.  What's great about it is that it has many different writing and thought provoking exercises to help come up with the best information to add to your plan.  There are many more books to choose from but, for starters, here's an outline with the basic categories of a business plan:

1.       Executive Summary

This is a short introduction and synopsis of what the document is about.  Not much more than that. 

2.       Company Description

This section is for explaining a little bit about your company including: history, vision, philosophies, mission statement, etc. 

3.       Products or Services Offered

This is pretty self explanatory.  Be descriptive when explaining the products and services you offer and include some sales literature at the end of the section. 

4.       Market Analysis

This is very important.  Don't skimp on this section, especially when presenting the plan to lenders and investors.  They want to see whether or not you have a clear understanding of the market for which you're trying to sell.  Include the following: regional statistics, demographics, and other important information about your target market.  Also include what makes your business stand out from the competition and what your expected share of the market will be.  Gather this information and I guarantee you that you will find many other uses for it. 

5.       Marketing and Sales Strategies

This information is also very important.  This is where you'll include information on how you'll promote your products and services.  It will also include the operations and costs involved with getting your services to your customers.  This is also where you'll show your sales forecasts and how you expect to meet those numbers.  One topic that's very important in your sales forecast is your channels of distribution – how you'll sell your products and services. 

6.       Organization and Management

This section explains how your business will operate (sole proprietorship, partnership, corpor, LLC), who the managers are and the roles they'll play. 

7.       Financial Data

This section contains historical and future financial statements such as income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and breakeven analysis charts. 

8.       Funding Request

Include this section if you're seeking funding from lenders or investors.

9.       Appendix

This section is a place for resumes of executives, market research details, and any other document that supports information in the previous sections.    

I've seen and created business plans in various orders but stick with the one above as it is the most standard and least difficult to follow.  As I've mentioned earlier, I will elaborate on some of the sections of the business plan in the following months including: preparing financial data, planning for a stable year-round cash flow, generating a sales forecast, and developing or revising a business strategy. 

I hope that you can now see why I made such a short small business to-do list and why I focused it only creating and maintaining your business plan.  If you have any questions or wish to see some sample business plans that I've created in the past, please feel free to email me.  Have a prosperous New Year.