Are you one of millions of Americans without Dental Insurance?

DentalPerks has Negotiated the dental fees for you with Dentist Providers!

  • Never again paying high monthly premiums to insurance companies
  • No more unexpected "out-of-pocket" expenses
  • No more bills in the mail for services that ended up NOT being covered
  • No coverage limits; with DentalPerks there ARE NO LIMITS!

Take advantage of the work we have done for you, receive 30% - 75% off Dental Costs!
Take a moment to review the DentalPerks Fee Schedule, then Enroll today and Enjoy the many Perks that DentalPerks has to offer.
Discount Plans

Individual $6.95/month
Family $9.95/month
Family rate applies to all immediate family members regardless of the number of children.
Office Visit Copay: None
Annual Deductible: None

Compare Our Programs and Save!
ADA Code
D0150 Exam, Initial, Comprehensive $84.00 FREE 100 %
D0140 Exam, (Emergency) $78.00 FREE 100 %
D0170 Re-evaluation, Problem Focused $75.00 FREE 100 %
D1110 Cleaning, (Prophylaxis) Adult $81.00 $47.00 42 %
D1120 Cleaning, (Prophylaxis) Child $68.00 $34.00 50 %
D2330 Filling, (white, composite) $155.00 $65.00 58 %
D2751 Crown, Porcelain fused to Metal $920.00 $514.00 44 %