A multi state cooperative society is of distinctive sorts Credit, Housing, Agriculture, Transportation, Hospital, Sugar, Stores, Fishery, Handloom, Labor, Customer and Multi Purpose Co-executor Society. The standard traditions for molding this overall population is to organize no less than 50 parts from two states each.A multi state cooperative society is a helpful option for all real estate companies, public limited, exclusive restricted and chit fund companies where practically saturation has reached. This Centre Act has actually been passed by the parliament in the year 2002. The goal of the multi specify society is to assist in the voluntary formation and democratic performance of cooperatives as peoples institutions based on self aid and shared help and allow them to advertise their economic and social improvement and to offer useful autonomy.

Contact:011-43557608,011-22235922,7838272423Address:Crystal Vision,45B,Hasanpur Main Road,1st Floor,I.P. Extension,Patparganj,Delhi-110092.