Have you ever noticed that there is a relationship between drug abuse and peer pressure? This is true, and there are many individuals who end up consuming drugs because of peer pressure. This can be dangerous because you might know the ill effects of the same, but you accept drugs because of your peers.

Peers might give you a number of reasons to accept drugs, but you need to be strong-willed, and this will be possible only if you have the right excuse ready in your mind.

Here are some worthy excuses that will help you stay away from drugs and the affect effects of the same that can lead you to opt for a non 12 step rehab program.


1. Be the driver

When we talk about people consuming drugs, they would want others around them to consume drugs as well. In this situation, an excuse of being the driver to escort your friends is the safest option for you that will help you in staying away from drugs. It is the easiest option available for you, and we are so that other people would be interested in considering this excuse. The reason behind it is that most of the people want a driver to move from their party place to their own residence. So, it is a safe excuse for you, and we hope you consider this to be the most basic excuse for you.


2. Take up a sport

If you cannot be the driver, you can always let them know that you have taken up a particular sport that needs drug-free dedication. It is important to know that every time you take a particular sport, you are giving yourself the right excuse to stay away from drugs. The primary reason to be noted here is that most of the people around you would not want you to take the risk of losing your career because of drugs. So, it will keep you in the safe spot while your friends are consuming drugs in some form all the other. Remember that you need to stay away from them to the extent possible in such situations.


3. Have a smart alternative ready with you

There are many other options you can consider in this case, and the best option we have for you is that you should take up a glass of Mojito or any other drink that will give you the liberty to stay occupied and make sure that your druggie friends not to come any close to you. This is a good option to consider because they will spot you only when you have nothing in your hand, and you are not around them. A simple option like a glass of Mojito can help you in staying away from the troubled zone, and we are confident that it will work for you.