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Programs for Registered Nurse Certification

Registered nurses earn up to $75,000 or more earn year. These earnings greatly depend upon your degree level and geographical area. As you may know each state has its own rules and regulations regarding requirements for certifications and licenses. 

  • Associate Degrees: Associate degree programs in nursing take up to two years to complete. Some states only require that a prospective nurse complete this degree program and pass the certification examination. These degree programs are offered through community colleges. Depending on geographical area the course you take within this degree program could only cover general education courses and limited core courses. These degree programs also provide a certificate in nursing in most states and not a license. 

  • Bachelor Degrees: A bachelor’s degree in nursing can take up to four years to complete. These degree programs consist of several lab courses in addition to the standard core courses. Prospective nursing students who consider enrolling into this program could become accepted into an internship program. Internship programs are offered during the junior and senior years of this four-year degree program. Some colleges offer an accelerated bachelor degree program for individuals who are becoming certified registered nurses. 

  • Master Degrees: Master degree programs in nursing offer the student to select a specialization during this graduate level degree program. Individuals who opt to enroll into this degree program could advance in their current career field or become eligible for administrative nursing positions. Management positions in nursing and within medical facilities generally require this advance degree level for eligibility.